Hello ladies I had ivf 2 years ago and had a baby girl. Ever since I had her I have been trying to get pregnant naturally and it's not happening does that mean I will have to go for ivf again or is there anything I can do to make it happen naturally. Do I need to change my diet if yes what shall I eat any advice would be great
How to get pregnant again: Hello ladies... - Fertility Network UK
How to get pregnant again

Hi mii123. If everything went OK with the birth of your daughter e.g. infection or Caesarean section, hopefully there is not too much to worry about. I think I would go and see your GP just to get your hormones checked out and perhaps a referral if he/she thinks its necessary. Good luck! Diane
Thank you
It was normal delivery and had no infection or complications. Normally people say when you have had one and start trying straight away it happens really quick but not for me. Should I start taking any vitamins
The Zita West guide to Fertility has lots of suggestions for foods and vitamins. Just taking the Well Woman pre conceive will help, and make sure your partner takes the Well Man ones. Both of you should try to give up alcohol, smoking (obv) and try and be as healthy as possible. Accupuncture can also help prepare your body. Even if you end up needing IVF these steps would be the same to improve your AMH.
Good luck with it all, xxx
Hi mii123. Oh that’s good to hear that all went well with your delivery. It seems as if you could be diagnosed with what is known as “secondary infertility”! When this happens, we usually start from scratch again, checking blood hormones and semen analysis and tubes. Yes, it’s not a bad idea to take a good multi vitamin and make sure it’s got the right amount of folic acid in, so a pre-conception one would be ideal. Hope you soon get sorted! Diane