Help please!
Hi, I Have tried posting on a couple sites for help but haven't had much luck. I am in desperate need of someone to understand. I have been ttc for nearly 4 years and have had 3 failed ivf attempts (1 full cycle 2 frozen). Our latest and last NHS attempt has resulted in a +ve results at 15 dpt and i have checked this quite a few times with various tests and had a 3+ weeks on a CB digital test on Saturday (5 weeks 3 days). My normal AF cycles are regular but erratic lasting anywhere from 30-42 days. But I can't shake the idea that my period will come or that this is a chemical pregnancy. I have always been a worrier and before I got a positive I was booked in to speak to my dr about going onto anxiety meds. I now don't know what to do for the best. The anxiety I am experiencing is crippling and I don't know how to make it stop. I don't want to risk meds if it impacts on a baby but I can't see the way I feel being healthy either. I do see a counsellor but it doesn't seem to help. I'm also tired of being told that I just need to relax and that embryos like 'relaxed wombs!'. I am so sorry for the essay but I feel so alone and like I am jeopardising the only chance I have ever had.