Our first egg collection on Friday. We have only 2 follicles and Ive heard that every day after they've collected the hospital calls to update you. In this time, eggs perish... And I can't afford for that to happen with only 2!!!!
So nervous!: Our first egg collection... - Fertility Network UK
So nervous!

Your eggs can also thrive too. Fingers crossed your little embies develop . Good luck x
We had only one follicle, our IVF was cancelled and convered to IUI, I was somewhere between smashed to pieces, terrified and numb by that point. I am lying in bed writing this, next to a little lady who was 2 at the end of march and is a chief bed hopper she got in with us a midnight (and I love it). Got everything crossed for you, you just never know.x
We had 1 egg on our 6th round. We didn't think it would work with so little too work with. We had a day 2 transfer. it worked! That lonesome follicle is now a crazy toddler. Life is odd and I can honestly say it never makes sense. You can do this thing.
I only had 2 follicles on our first go, out of them had one egg which fertilised and now currently 27 weeks pregnant. Be positive and I hope everything goes well x
Such great stories of how well things can go so stay positive and good luck! Xxx