Hi Everyone, Just an update of what stage im at. Today i went for my second scan only been doing my stimulation drugs for 10 days and im told im looking at my egg collection for next week, they did tell us that it would had been in mid December so i was abit surprised but so happy also a liitle nervous of E/C. I can't stop smiling its all happening so quick for us. xxxx
So happy but nervous : Hi Everyone... - Fertility Network UK
So happy but nervous

Hi. Just to wish you well with the rest of the cycle and hope for a positive result. Diane
Great news! Good that you can have collection / hopefully transfer in November, good luck - keeping everything crossed for you!
Thankyou so much Hope23 and Diane, We are so pleased as its all moving so quick for us, i was very surprised when my nurse told me and so was my husband when i informed him on it as he could'nt get the time off work to come with me for my scan. And we are praying for a positive result as it means the world to us. xx
Good news! Keeping my fingers crossed for you guys. Xx
Thankyou miannach, There talking Wed for the big day, im a little bit nervous but trying not to worry about it to much. Hows things going with you? i hope your doing well Xx
Well done inhopeofbaby. Will be thinking of you. I know how scared I was on my first ec. First time i had ever been knocked out. Was so scared I would not wake up again. But I has a lovely nurse in there with me and she reassured me. So don't afraid to say how your feeling about it as they can reassure you. It will be over before you know it. Lots of love. ️Xxx
Thankyou Piglet, Im trying not to worry about it to much as i did that with having my first injections i got my self that worried about it in what to expect in pain wise from them when the nurse was training us in how to do them, she did my first one for me and i nearly shot off the chair lol as she went to go in with the needle. I will only be sedated for my E/C so i just hope its not that painful or i will be aking them to knock me out. How are you doing? Lots of love xxx
How come you will only be sedated? I thought they had to completely knock you out. I'm doing ok thank you. Feeling quite sicky today. But the bleeding seems to have randomly been getting less and less and then today just seems to have stopped. Think that's a thingxx lots of love. ️Xx
I have only been told that i will be sadated for it and it says the same in all the paper work i have had regarding it so im not really sure, were you put to sleep in having yours done? Im so glad for you to hear the bleeding has stopped i would take it as a good thing and feeling sick is a sign of pregnancy and means its all happening for you, make sure your getting plenty of rest and eating well your eating for 2 now remember, they say try eating ginger biscuits to helps with the sickness. Lots of love xx
Maybe that's what your clinic does. I was completely knocked out for my ec procedure. I am getting plenty of rest and eating properly. Ooh will try that. Thank you. Let us know how you get on. Lots of love. ️Xx
Yes maybe its different with each clinic. I don't suppose you will know if it was painful if you were knocked out then, i think i will be asking them to knock me out if it is lol. Yes i will let you know how i get on. Lots of love XX
Congrats Hons- so pleased for you XXXXX
Thankyou honey XXXXx