Freaking out. : Hello lovely ladies... - Fertility Network UK

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Freaking out.

11 Replies

Hello lovely ladies.

So I have to have yet more bloods taken on Wednesday. About five of them. And I am now paying for our next treatment. so paying for them to.

Which is fine. But I did not know how expensive it would be for someone to take blood from me. I'm guessing that price includes them testing what they want to. We start our treatment as the end of this month.

It has also hit me today in a massive way. That is our last ever shot at having a baby. And so I an really freaking out. And so so scared.

Sorry for long post.

Love to all other ladies.


11 Replies
Mooster1 profile image

Hey Hun sorry you're a little stressed at the mo. Try and take deep breaths & do things to keep you busy. How come you have to pay for bloods if you don't mind me asking? I'm private but was still able to have most my blood tests done on the NHS. Saved me a small fortune!

Take it easy sweetie. Xx

in reply to Mooster1

Hi. Thank you for replying. I tried to get them through my gp but they would not do them as it is private treatment now. So can only be done at my clinic now. Going to cost about £300 pounds. But not much I can do. Am trying to keep busy. But it's hard not think about.


Mooster1 profile image
Mooster1 in reply to

Awwww that's crap hun. My GP allowed me to have most done on the NHS even though I was private. Think i had one or two done privately. I understand the frustrations.

Why is it your last shot hun? It's so stressful and there are no words sometimes only the comfort of listening to others in the same situation. That's why this forum is good. People say think positive etc but I know its hard hun. Spend time with friends and laugh lots hun :-).

Fingers and toes crossed for you. Xx

It is a bit. My gp is not willing to do it.

It's our last shot because our funding has run out. Which we have been very grateful for. So now we are paying. But we have only mangaged that because of friends giving us the money to do so. We just don't have it ourselves.

I am trying to stay calm and keep busy.

Thank you hun. ️Xx

herrys profile image

Fingers crossed for you piglet this is the 1 ! Xxx

mrs-kmc profile image

I really feel for you hun. cant imagine going through all what you have done. like herrys says this WILL be the one. I have everything crossed for you. I have been having a few test done privately and it does work out expensive but stay positive and try not to stress about anything xx

Hope23 profile image

Hi there

Don't freak out, try and stay calm. You're going to need all yr strength and patience to make this THE ONE! I have everything crossed for you that this time it works.

I totally understand the worry and pressure you feel as it's yr last attempt. It's so bloody unfair. I get so low about it too. Our last attempt we've just had in march didn't work, so I'm with you on that score and do totally get yr worry about it. Sadly not much any of us can do but have hope it will be the time for you both. What a heart wrenching ride we all have to go on just to become parents. BUT try to think about the fact it COULD work this time, not that it may not. Think about it as a new cycle not as yr last cycle. My mum said don't try and control the uncontrollable. Which I thought was a really good saying

Stay positive although I do know that is easier said than done! Look after eachother. And I do really wish you lots of luck this time around xx

Hey piglet

I am totally with you on both. This will be our last try too and I am trying to stay more positive. We are starting at beginning of May ICSI and we are praying on a prayer that it works, we will both be 41 this year.

Try not to stress and worry think positive and stay calm. Take you time....

Here if you need when you starting?

Such a shame about the tested we got them free both time and are private 😞

Good luck, baby dust to you both xxxxx

Hopeful1982 profile image

Hi Piglet12,

I know it's much easier said than done, but try to focus on the present rather than worry about what might happen.

Keep yourself busy and do the things you enjoy (like walks with your lovely puppy) and when those horrible, negative thoughts creep in tell them to "get lost"!

Best of luck with your treatment. Keep us posted x

poochi profile image

Hi piglet, you might know this already but I only found it out by EC but protein plays a big part. It helps develop the best eggs, helps stop ohss, helps the lining of the uterus & implantation. I'm only mentioning this as if you are like me you'll need control over something so you can take control of upping your protein & giving yourself the best shot. I believe the ideal amount is 60g a day. Good luck x

Dee22 profile image

Best of luck Piglet. I can only imagine how scared and freaked out you must be but try to stay calm and relax (those famous words that are always difficult to make yourself feel!) I hope it all works out for you both.

Best wishes xx

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