Really struggling with the 2WW, OTD is Monday 5th June keep thinking why not test on Sunday what difference does a day make?
So desperate to know (only if its BFP)
Really struggling with the 2WW, OTD is Monday 5th June keep thinking why not test on Sunday what difference does a day make?
So desperate to know (only if its BFP)
My OTD is Tuesday so I know how you feel, I am going to hold out til Tuesday tho xx
Meant to ask how have you been feeling?? X
I feeling ok, had few cramps the first couple of days but otherwise ok.
How are you?
My OTD is Sunday but am probably gonna test Friday as I did that last time 😬 xx
Goodluck x
My test day is Friday, have almost caved in a few times and tested early but trying to hold out until then even though I'm feeling pretty crappy! I've seen a few stories where people tested early and got a negative but then got bfp on otd. Hold out if you can but nobody would judge if you test early, we all know the 2ww is so hard!! Good luck xx
Thanks sorry to hear your feeling crappy. Trying to hold out but would just be better to find out over weekend but as you say could hive a wrong reading eeekkk
Goodluck for Friday x
I tested about three days early as I was convinced AF was on its way and just wanted to know. It was a bfp but don't think I believed it till the otd and then the following peeing on many sticks just to check. Good luck x
I'm due to test Friday and haven't tested early so far. I'm going to try and hold out. It's bloody horrible having to wait. The last few days for me have been the worst. I'm so close now just think May aswel wait another day. Good luck 🤞🏼💞 xx
I'm due to test on Friday and trying to hold out. Haven't caved before but this 2ww is really tough. x
I tested early and glad I did both times... first round was a bfn But I felt geared up for a negative when it came. Did the second time at 4dp and got a positive. It's up to you... I personally get really really pissed off with my friend who tuts at early testing. I find it patronising I am a grown woman and I can do what the hell I want. You know yourself what's best. Xxx
I tested day before and it was negative. On the day it was positive
I didn't and I honestly felt so rubbish..Thought it was over and no point in testing the day after. I was soooo shocked.
If you test and it's negative take comfort that you have till the day