One step forward, five follicles back... - Fertility Network UK

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One step forward, five follicles backwards...

13 Replies

Hello All,

So long story short :

Second IVF ( first cancelled poor response)

On meds since 15th Oct, and menopur 450 since 5th Nov.

Low response again.

After having a very positive day last Wednesday, because my one follicle had increased to 5 I returned on Friday, expecting a positive picture and was informed that non of my follicles are large enough, and I must come back Monday. If they haven't grown, they are likely to cancel my treatment and will not treat me again for IVF. A doctor mentioned perhaps Artificial insemination is an option for us, but I have. Blocked tube, so don't really understand how this will work. Plus this is the 1st time ANYONE had EVER mentioned AI as a choice for us and I've been TTC for 5 years, under Assisted Conception Care with hospitals for X3 years. Wonder if anyone has any experience of anything similar or can offer advice. If you'd like to read a little more about my journey, it's on my profile. My AMH is low.

Sending luck and love to all - hopefuljo Xxxxxx

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13 Replies

Hello. I can't offer much help. I just wanted to say I'm so sorry they want to possibly cancel your cycle. an thinking if you. Lots and lots of love. And big huge hugs. ️Xxxx

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Thanks Piglet12. Wasn't the news we wanted or expected! Really thought I was on the right road after Wednesday. We never know, Monday might be a different ball game, and my follies might have started growing, but they were certain that I shouldn't be too hopeful or too excited. It's just this artificial insemination, since googled and found its IUI, was a bit of a curve ball for us too. I got the impression they might give me a choice on Monday, proceed with IVF with x1 follicle, knowing there may not be anything in it, or IUI. Anyhow have to wait and see..... Have a super weekend XXXXXX

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Just such a roller coaster. Last Minday I was looking at cancellation, Wednesday I was looking at EC on Monday and Friday, we're back to cancellation ..... C'est la vie. We're getting our heads around DE, so know we have more choices. XXXX

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Oh hunny. I really feel for you. I have not had it to the same degree as you buy any means. But know what it's like to be unsure of what's going to happen. Hope you have a good weekend to. ️Xxx

Hi hopefuljo - so sorry to read this. How utterly frustrating for you. Can they not give more time for those extra new 4 follicles to grow. What size were they and how much did they grow? I was told yesterday by a nurse that drinking a huge amount of water helps the follicles fill out - apparently they are full of water. I too have 5 small follicles but we also think they may just be endo cysts. It's so bloody stressful.

As for AI - I don't think that's an option surely because it relies on the tubes - I was told it wasn't an option for me because of my tubes and apparently it has very low success rates in general anyway.

Or, could you try a natural round of IVF where they monitor your cycle, and get just the one egg out. I don't really know how it works but it could give one egg a chance. Then yes, there is DE and I know of a lady who had two beautiful twins from it and she had very severe endo and conceived them in her early 40s.

Anyway, this cycle isn't over yet - so never say never. Drink 3 litres a day of water - sure you are anyway.

Or, there is argc clinic where they monitor your cycle every day - I'm considering them but they are pricey!!

To me, the fact that you have 5 follicles is surely a good thing. How much did they grow between scans?


Oh my lovely, I did'nt read your post before i msg you back, i really feel for you, its not the end of the road for you yet them five follicles could increase in size over the weekend for Monday so don't give up hope yet, i really hope they do grow in size for you. What YellowRose said drinking 2lt of water a day can help with the growth of the follicles. im keeping my fingers crossed for you with your 5 follicles in growing in size by Monday. Did they tell you the size of them i was told they like just 2 follicles to be between 16-18mm. Sending you lots of love and luck for monday XXX

Hope23 profile image


I can't imagine what yr both going through at moment. My thoughts are with you and I know it's bloody tough but don't give up yet. I think it was lissy1 if you want to message her, but she only got 1 egg and they were doubtful it would work, but it did and she's quite far gone in her pregnancy. It was after a few goes, but it does only take one I guess!

As you know I didn't have the stress of stimulation drugs and egg collection so my thoughts are with you. As the others say carry on with yr water intake and try and relax. Silly to say I know. Take care xx

Filmgirl101 profile image

I didn't respond to drugs at all. I was on 600 units of gonal f, in hopes of a better response. All my tests were normal, I just don't respond, we need IVF for severe male factor. I only had 1 egg. It fertilised, divided and grew into a little girl. She's turning 2 on Saturday. Our clinic (private) gave us the choice of cancelling or going ahead. It was our 6th tr. We chose to go ahead because if there was a problem with the eggs, we needed to know. Egg was perfect.

1 egg is scary, but sometimes it works!

Hi Hopefuljo - I hope today went okay for you x

Thanks Ladies- we're still hanging on in there- I'm continuing stimmung ( back on Wednesday) I'm on day 22 and this cycle so far is 46 days long.

Thank you for support and sharing and hope everyone else is going ok. Yellow rose and inhopeofababy, your both at EC this week aren't you? Good luck and remember to eat pineapple after implantation xxxx thank you film girl too, what an inspiring story to share. XXXXX

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Thanks Hopefuljo - glad they are still stimming you - hope they grow nicely. I am going for egg collection tomorrow, but think some of my follicles are too large - grew alot at the weekend, very annoyed about.

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Hi YellowRose, I also have my E/C tommorrow like you, also a nice and early start for us to, I would'nt worry about your follicles being to large, mine grew the same over the weekend i couldn't believe how big they were when the nurse shown me, she said your well ready for EC, Wishing you all the best for yours and hope every thing goes well for you. XX

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Hi, im so glad there continuing stimming you, I like YellowRose also have my EC tomorrow i went for another scan yest and they said im well ready for it .Thankyou i will remember pineapple for after implantation. XXXX

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