I am 32 and have endometriosis. Came off the pill a year ago - my symptoms have suggested for years that I have a serious hormonal imbalance, and since stopping the pill, my cycles have been 4-9 weeks, all over the place. Had one blood test on day 3 of a period and apparently all is normal. GP said abnormal cycle is stress - ha!
Anyway, my last period started 27/08. I've had really sore boobs since 11/09 which is very early for me. On 15/09 I got thrush which I haven't had for years - pain, burning and white discharge. Took OTC tablet and the itching and pain went, discharge is more watery but still white and it still hasn't gone - am having swabs on Tuesday. I've not got any itching or anything, just a slight discharge. Even when it was really painful, it wasn't thick like I remember it being (sorry for being gross).
Just wondering if the remaining discharge isn't thrush but something else and realised, with the sore boobs, it could be early pregnancy.
Has anyone else had thrush or these symptoms when falling pg? The fact that my boobs have been sore for a couple of weeks and are now like boulders has me confused - the fact I'm going on holiday next weekend means I'll probably start my period just in time for it to be ruined though!
Hope you're all okay