On the longest 2weeks of my life! 4days to go! Not wanting to look forward to testing as scared of outcome Yet enjoying knowledge there is a chance.
2 week count down after embryo transfer - Fertility Network UK
2 week count down after embryo transfer

3 days for me although I bled a little yesterday :-(. It's horrible waiting isn't it?!
Fingers crossed fr you both. X
I know how that feels a big goodluck to you xx
Hello I'm in the same boat. Test day is next Thursday. I agree nervous and excited. Good luck to everyone on the two week wait x
Good luck ladies x x
Im also due blood test next thursday.What symptoms are you having if any.
Congratulations on getting this far! Know it sounds silly but I've had 5 rounds of IVF and the first 3, I never got past my eggs fertilising! To get to transfer is the best start and it's all out of your hands now, all you can do is be positive and do nice things for yourself to make the time go quicker! You are officially PUPO - pregnant until proven otherwise!!!
Good luck xxxx
Hi all, I am now officially in the 2ww, I had a single blastocyst grade 5 transfer today and worried already as everyone else appears to have two embies transferred yet my consultant would not allow this x
Hi Elb5 how did you get on with your test today x x
Sadly it hasn't worked for us and it's hit us harder than we thought. Thanks for all of your comments. I hope some gave been successful this week x
Sadly we we're lucky this time. Thanks for support. X
Was successful in pregnancy. Thanks for your comments. X
I'm Sorry it didn't work this time Elb5 I'm due to test on Thursday but in my heart I know it hasn't worked. Have strong period pains and sure it's just the progesterone keeping the bleed at bay. We'll lets see what happens. Good luck with your next cycle if you are doing one. And I know I'm a fine one to talk but got to stay positive xx
Just got my BFP yesterday HSG 227 first time worked in total shock.good luck to you all
Congratulations gemkasta, I also got a positive but my HCG was very low so had to test again today. But as I started spotting on Sunday I knew what the outcome would be BFN!! Oh we'll roll on next cycle. Good luck with your pregnancy x