Pregnany prep that helped her concieve and have a child? What do i need to do my husband wants a child n i do as well. What do i need to do
I have pcos and i want a baby sooo ba... - Fertility Network UK
I have pcos and i want a baby sooo bad. Ive been taking metformin and have only had one cycle my friend told me about some herbs called

Hi KEITYLEE123. Regarding the use of herbal remedies while trying for a baby, I would make sure that anything you do try is from a reputable manufacturer and supplier. You may do just as well by taking one of the Wellwoman or Pregnacare range. These tend to have the required amount of Folic Acid in that you should be taking too. I don’t know if you know much about how Metformin works, but I will explain as simply as I can, with apologies if you already know. People who are diabetic (I realise you are probably not) - are treated in 3 different ways – diet, tablets (Metformin) or insulin injections. Women who are not ovulating properly and/or do not have regular periods and who are overweight, are often prescribed Metformin. Should you be overweight, then you need to work on that too, as it will be taken into consideration if you need to have advance treatment such as IVF. The reason being is that they often have an excess of insulin in their body cells. Because of this the glands in the brain that control ovulation, the pituitary and the hypothalamus cannot get their message through to the ovaries to get them to ovulate properly. Metformin “mops up” the excess insulin to allow the messages to get through. Often it can regulate periods, but ovulation still does not occur. This is when a drug called Clomid is often introduced as well to hopefully ensure ovulation does occur. Metformin allows Clomid to do its job more efficiently. It all sounds very complicated, but the mechanics of the idea work well. Of course this treatment does not work with every woman, and there is always the possibility that IVF or similar treatments may be required. Hope this helps and I wish you all the best for a successful outcome. Diane
I have recently started taking Pregnacare Conception pills, Im not sure if they will help with conception or not, I'm certainly not pinning any hopes on these alone working. My feelings is they are more like a multivitamin with other minerals added in to help your body get to ready for carrying a baby. I did read reviews online for them some folk say they work, some had said they didn't guess its just your luck. They arent going to do any harm so i am giving them a try. Oh and ive also started Mr on the Wellman Conception pills his counts all came back fine when he had his sperm analysis done but I did read if these are low they can help to increase these. As i said worth a shot i suppose. xx