Hi ladies. Im due to start down regulating next sunday (5th). I am waiting to get my prescription through the post and was wondering where the cheapest place is to get the drugs as I wont have time to shop around! Thanx.
Starting first ivf this month - Fertility Network UK
Starting first ivf this month
I used Asda a couple of times as they have a not for profit policy on IVF drugs - they were a lot more competitive than the company I'd been told to go to by my clinic.
Welcome to the mad world of IVF and good luck!!
Hi treacle thanks for youre reply. I heard about asda being the cheapest but then I also heard they dont always have them in stock lol. Im pushed for time as I need them by sunday and still no prescription in the post today im soo nervous and negative about the whole process I dont know how to think lol. Good luck to you tooxxx

I think I had to wait 24 hours for mine so fingers crossed you will have a prescription today or tomorrow then you'll be fine - and initially,you will only need down reg drugs so if you're lucky, you can get those straight away - mi even be worth ringing or calling into Asda today to check what stock they have now, might put your mind at rest? If not sure of names of drugs, ring your clinic and ask them to tell u over phone.
I'm an old hand at the IVF lark - was unlucky in that I carry a genetic disorder so had 2 awful rounds of IVF then found out my eggs were knackered already. I've since had 3 rounds of donor egg IVF and am finally relieved and chuffed to say I'm 13 weeks- with twins!!!
You have to go into this believing it can and will happen - your mindset is all that is in your control.i never stopped believing - if I had have done, I might as well have stopped trying because negativity is your worst enemy in all this and I really believe it can make the difference. I had got negative after 4 rounds with the same clinic and I knew, if we stayed with them for our last cycle, I'd go into it expecting it to go wrong again - so we took a massive risk and went abroad. It's not for everyone but it worked, and I really think part of why it worked is that we felt like we were starting again, could forget all the heartache and believe in what we were doing and why. Find your most positive friend and family member to confide in and get them to pass on their PMA - and use these boards to help you too.
Aar wow congratulations, Im so pleased to hear a success story! All the best for your pregnancy. Well my history is ttc 4yrs with nothing to show. Unexplained infertility on both sides. Hubby has 2 prev children (1 who I have brought up) therefore no nhs tries. All investigations complete an this yr been on clomid with no joy. Yet periods are as regular as clockwork and I do ovulate every month. Professionals are literally baffled by us lol. Im 26 and hubby 33.
So far its all been a horrid experience and im so scared as we will onlybbe able to do 2 cycles due to funding.
I just hope 2014 is our year.
Stories like yours gives me hope x x x
Hi i was told by my consultant that the down reg drugs would only cost me around £30 which is pennies hun.. but its worth looking into prepaid perscriptions whixh enables you to get as many perscriptions you need for a monthly or yearly fee. Im not sure if it covers ivf perscriptions but im gonna check it out.
Welcome to the wonderful world of ivf and good luck to you! im halfway through my pregnancy with my little ivf miracle and hope you are as successful as I was
Hi Iv only been told I can get my meds from RVI Hospital so am surprised by your message that there might be a chance of saving money by changing chemists??? is this a local thing or ntional???
Hi allicat as far as I know it's a narional thing. The clinics and hospitals wont tell u this as they make profit on the drugs. Whereas asda and other pharmacies dont. By all accounts asda is the cheapest but only in the large stores.
Thank you for everyones posts. Im at the clinic tomorrow for my drug demo as start down reg on sunday x x x
Hi Allicat - I had exactly the same question - got my prescription on Friday (6 weeks before I need it) and it says only to be issued by the hospital pharmacy at the RVI. What did you do in the end? Did a pre-pay work out? I really really hope you had success xx
Hi if your a NHS patient then the pre payment certificate is definitely the cheapest way of buying your medication. I needed extra medication during each treatment cycle so used it to purchase them to. Buy it online the day before you go to collect meds and that leaves you plenty of time on certificate for any extra meds that may be needed. Unfortunately it didn't work for me but I'm giving it another go privately. I hope to know either way by Christmas. Wishing you lots of luck. Allicat xxx
Did you get your drugs? I'm at the Hewitt in Liverpool and paid £726 for all my meds for this cycle. My consultant reassured me that I wouldn't find them anywhere cheaper. It was through Pharmasure; fab service.
Hello ladies, I spent years on forums looking for hope and advice, as they say a problem shared is a problem halved. I overcame my 7 years of infertility due to endometriosis and reoccurring ovarian cysts. Just before my 40 I completely changed my life style and as a result I had two beautiful healthy children NATURALLY! No IVF! I wanted to share my success in the hope that I might help other ladies on their difficult quest to have children. My ebook is published on Amazon and will be available completely free on 2nd of February 2014. Hopefully I didn't sound too markety, I'm just keen on helping. (5 SIMPLE WAYS TO FERTILITY - Pavla Kesslerova)
Hi ladies.
Just to let u all know that I got my drugs yesterday from my clinic. They were actually 75quid cheaper than asda! My package cost 614quid which I didn't think was bad. I start my buserilin injections tomorrow! Hope everyone is getting on ok and good luck to all x x

Hi Sambox do you know if everyone has to pay for their own medication?We are on the waiting list for IVF and this is all very new to me. Good luck for tomorrow!
Hi amy. I dont think you pay for drugs if your nhs funded. Im private so have to pay for everything. Its new to me too as tomorrow is the start of my first cycle. Excited, nervous and a little optimistic all in 1 lol. How long until you can start? x

We are on the waiting list but have been told it could take 4-5 months, which seems like ages away. We started with hospital appointments in July, everything just takes so long. We have been trying for 3 years now. Hopefully IVF is the answer. Hope tomorrow goes well it's the start if something amazing x
Hi if you are having IVF on NHS you will just pay normal prescription charges for each item I saved money by paying for a pre payment certificate which I think is about £30.00
That's great thanks for the advice. How long did you have to wait on the NHS IVF list? X
I had my first appointment about 6 months after seeing my GP so I guess I was lucky.
Was that 6 months until you started your IVF treatment? It has taken 6 months for us to have all the tests completed so that we now know we need to have IVF. Now they are saying the waiting list for IVF is about 5/6 months. So that means we have to wait till April/May until we even get started. May I ask what area you are in?