After more than two years of ttc, two major surgeries to remove endometriosis and repair tubes, we are still ttc naturally before we start ivf early next year.
I never get used to the '2 week wait' which is inevitably always painful, frustrating and emotionally draining. However, I have found that using an ovulation monitor / sticks has become a great help: not only because we know when we should really be trying, but it helps me to understand when I am really due my period. For example this week, officially my period was due Monday.. but because I knew that I ovulated 4 days late, I knew not to expect it until the end of the week. I was so much less stressed out this week because of this, and had far less 'what if what if' turmoil.. even though my period has now started and I am massively disappointed, I feel that it is much more under control.
Just wanted to share this so others can perhaps try the same thing. It's been a big stress relief for me, and every bit helps!