Hello everyone
I posted recently about trying for a sibling and whether to go straight to FET or try naturally. We decided to try for a bit and to my amazement after 4 months I got a natural BFP last week. But now I am feeling so anxious about it! I had a MMC in February 2022 and then conceived my son after an FET later that year.
I estimate I am about 4w6d (my last period was 28/1 but I know I ovulated late as I was tracking - I think caused by having covid). I currently have no symptoms at all and have had a little brown spotting. I am also slightly anxious that my test line wasn't that strong when I did my first test. I have done another and it has got darker but that start point is playing on my mind when I compare it to my test after FET.
I have contacted the GP this morning asking for bloods for HCG and progesterone and hoping they will also arrange a scan for me next week once I am (hopefully) past 6 weeks.
I promised myself if I got to have another pregnancy I wouldn't let it be controlled by anxiety like my last pregnancy but I feel like I am spiralling already 😫
I don't really know what I am asking for but wanted to share with some people that might understand.