Hello. I’m 7w2d and I started spotting this morning and it’s gone from light, watery pink blood to brown sticky discharge like coffee beans this evening. I do have some cramps on the left side but they come and go. I’ve phoned the EPU twice and they have said not to worry until it’s fresh blood but I’ve seen conflicting advice online where a lot of miscarriages start this way. Can anyone relate to this post and have gone on to have a healthy pregnancy? I had a scan only two days ago and everything was okay. Can things change that quickly? 😢
Spotting worry : Hello. I’m 7w2d and I... - Fertility Network...
Spotting worry

Yes I had this with both my boys, age 3 and 1. It stopped when I stopped the cyclogest. I still check my underwear now, the aniexty is real and I’m not even pregnant ! Xx
Hi, I had spotting a couple of times from 5 weeks to 10 weeks.
I am now 13 + 4 .
I was also told not to worry unless it's red , fresh blood , or if i get big clots.
It's easier said than done i know, but try not to worry. X
Thanks for replying. It seems to have stopped for now but my other symptoms are gone. I’ve had terrible nausea and vomiting for the past two weeks and I’ve woken up feeling fine today and my boobs don’t hurt anymore. It just feels like something has changed and I’m so worried. 😢
Try not to worry, i know it's hard, but symptoms come and go. I know exactly how you feel as i felt exactly the same. My symptoms were coming and going. I would poke my boobs to see if they still hurt, some days they would, some they wouldn't.
At 9 weeks i went to the emergency room as i was convinced there was something wrong, but everything was fine xxx
Yeah I’m just going to try and take it easy and see how the day goes. I’ve phoned the EPU twice and they don’t want me to come in as they said they won’t scan me. If it persists, will they scan at A&E? This is my first pregnancy and I’m just terrified it will end in miscarriage given the luck we’ve had trying ttc. 😢😢
I live in Italy so I'm not sure if A&E would scan in the UK. I totally understand how you feel, after what we go through to get pregnant, when we finally get there it's just a constant worry.
I’m so sorry that the EPU won’t give you any support. It’s too stressful to just wait and see - where do you live? Could you get a private scan? Some place in London charge around £70/80 (DM if interested I can recommend).
I had spotting at 5/9/10 weeks and was terrified. I also felt like my symptoms were gone but they came back. Sometimes you’re just too stressed to feel any symptoms honestly!
I really hope you get the best outcome x
I bled from week 5 to 10, I’m now almost 15 weeks and everything is fine! I think it’s more common than we realise but it’s very distressing when it happens! X
Thank you. Did your other symptoms come and go? My nausea is non existent this morning and my boobs no longer hurt. I know that’s another sign and I’m freaking out 😢
The nausea for me was very constant, and got consistently worse, weeks 11-13 being the peak. My sore boobs were very on and off though, some days I was in agony and others I barely noticed. I’ve read that a lot of women can have really variable symptoms, and some have none at all and absolutely sail through pregnancy, so it definitely isn’t cut and dried for you! The added stress of fertility treatment brings a whole new dimension of anxiety to pregnancy. Are you able to have a scan done with your clinic if the EPU won’t see you? X
Hi, im 6+2 today. Had 2 bleeds so far and constant brown spotting. Last bleed was yesterday fresh blood accompanied with horrific cramps. I ran for an emergency scan as I couldn’t wait for Monday to see my dr!
I carry twins and one of the sacs has a hematoma which they say that’s causing the blood and to not be scared.
Honestly last night I thought I started miscarrying, the pain was massive, I couldn’t feel my breast sore anymore and the blood just freaked it me out.
My cervix is closed and nothing bad is happening apparently, but I wouldn’t relax if I wasn’t checked.
Ps: my boob soreness comes and goes the past few days so honestly I believe it’s quite normal.
I had it with my first IVF successful pregnancy from when I tapered off progesterone, panicked and started it again and it stopped. Midwives said same as they said to you, brown blood and small amounts of red/spotting is nothing to worry about but go to EPU if it goes bright red or there's a lot. I still insisted on investigations as I'd had two early losses and I was worried about incompetent cervix or similar. They scanned for haematoma and for cervix weakness, and looked for any other causes and said it was all fine. But I did have a growth on my cervix that was bleeding. They said absolutely no risk to the pregnancy and it was really common to get spotting and bleeding, especially early on, as there are a lot of hormonal changes and extra blood flow to the area (including cervix) and veins can be under pressure and leak... said I could carry on with progesterone as long as I wanted if it made me feel better. I know how worrying it is though and I was only happy when they'd checked everything, but it was more like 14-16 weeks that they would investigate for me, and before that it seems to be a bit like you can only get any attention if you have a major bleed. I went for quite a few private reassurance scans in the meantime - could you try that?