I'm 8w 2d with twins and really struggling with nausea 24/7. I'm vomiting maybe once or twice a day (already on cyclizine) and feel utterly miserable. I'm finding it really difficult to get the motivation to eat but I'm worried my babies are not getting enough nutrients from what I am managing. Work is a battle I have patient facing job so not exactly easy. I'm also a solo mum by choice so don't have a partner to help with things like cooking and shopping. I have food intolerances so just eat etc aren't really an option. I've tried the usual ginger biscuits, eating little and often but I'm no getting much relief. Does anyone have any words of wisdom?
Morning sickness: I'm 8w 2d with twins... - Fertility Network...
Morning sickness

hey. I’m really sorry to hear that you’re suffering.
My sickness wasn’t as bad as yours but i am also patient facing role and found the following really helped.
- I used ginger shots (like the ones you get from a good coffee shop) rather than biscuits.
- almonds (just a couple of almonds really helped to just have a couple whenever I needed them)
- think about if you’re craving anything - for me, i had a massive craving for cucumber…and really cold foods. Always made me feel better.
Hope this helps and good luck with your twins!!
Hi Tarasunny, I had terrible nausea as well and realised after a while that it was actually linked to acid reflux even if the actual acid reflux symptoms had not yet started. Try having sips of Gaviscon when you are not feeling well, it worked for me, hopefully it does for you too.. good luck!

Yeah I think I have that too I've been taking Rennies but they aren't really cutting it. Will need to get some Gaviscon this weekend.
Hi! I am sorry your nausea is so bad. Mine wasn't as severe but the things that helped me were a anti-nausea wrist bands (not a complete cure, but definitely made me feel better!) and laying on my back with eyes closed through the worst episodes. I hope you feel better soon! For me, it started improving after 12 weeks and cleared by week 14...
sorry you’re feeling like this, must be hard. Ginger tea worked for me, ginger cordial also. Almonds also helped, snacking on them when feeling nauseous. I was undergoing Accupuncture and that helped but sea bands can be good also. Mine stopped at 12 weeks so hope yours will too. xxx
Ah you poor thing. I really struggled with sickness too, and unfortunately it lasted the entire pregnancy. I found fruit to be quite helpful (grapes in particular), something about it being so refreshing.
You can also take prochlorperazine alongside the cyclizine, ask your obstetric team about it
Hi, not sure what your intolerances are but cook do frozen meals which you can filter for some intolerances? Hope you start to feel better soon and congratulations on your pregnancy! x
Hi, definitely go back to you dr and ask to try something else! There a few safe medications and they seem to be a bit trial and error. I ended up on cyclizine my whole pregnancy even though it didn’t stop me being sick a couple of times a day (because I didn’t tolerate the others I tried well) and it did take the edge off which is something I didn’t realise until I stopped taking it! Sucking on ice cubes was the only way I could get water in me and that helped with the nausea a bit too. But yeah, if you’re really bad medication is what you need. I’m sorry, it’s really awful and I hope you get some relief soon x
I've had prochloperazine first and then cyclizine. Only got 10 days worth of cyclizine so need to ask for more on Monday anyway. Like you not sure if its doing anything but don't really want to stop either and find out it is. Ice cubes is a good idea. I find ice cold water is easier to drink as well.
Hello. sorry you are having a difficult time. I’m currently 7w4d and been really nauseous pretty much since week 5 but not been sick until yesterday. I found that slow cooked broth really soothes my stomach, it’s nutritious as well. I cook it for 4 hours, ingredients are chicken legs, celery sticks, celeriac, carrots, parsnip, fresh parsley, I add some chicken or vegetable stock as well for flavour. You can add soya sauce as well if you like it. I have it with plain egg noodles. You can also a bone broth add ginger, whatever you like. I also always have some mints with me which helps with nausea. Hope it helps💗
Hi. Congratulations on your twin pregnancy . I believe ‘morning sickness’ can be worse in a twin pregnancy due to high hormone levels. For me the nausea settled around 16 weeks which my twin midwife said was normal. (Later taken over by horrible acid reflux!) Have you spoken with your manager? Not sure what your role is but I am also patient-facing in the NHS and you should have regular risk assessments.