I am 30 weeks now and I saw the midwife yesterday. They said that I had accelerated fetal growth and it’s either the little one has grown too fast or I have excess fluid. I have a scan and consultant review today to check everything. Has anyone had this in their pregnancy?
accelerated growth?: I am 30 weeks now... - Fertility Network...
accelerated growth?

Hey- hopefully your scan provides more details and there's nothing to worry about. At least you're being monitored closely.
I found out I had polyhydramnios (excess amniotic fluid) at my 36 week scan. They also said the baby was large and they sent me back for more gestational diabetes tests including a glucose monitor which came back clear again. I was due for a scan a week later to monitor and decide what to do but my waters broke at 36+2 (can be a side effect of polyhydramnios). I gave birth at 36+5 to a perfectly healthy little boy. They gave him antibiotics due to the PROM but he was fine. He was also normal sized at 3.025kg. I guess he would have been bigger at full term but still not massive like they had said at the scan.
Hope all goes well today xx
thank you.
Glad all worked out well for you.
They have said everything is fine today. Fluid is normal and she’s measuring absolutely normal. So said midwife measuring way off actual size.
Better that everything was checked through though.
I had the opposite my midwife said my bump had gotten smaller than it had been 2 weeks prior and that I could of lost fluid or baby might not be growing. Had an emergency growth scan all was fine. As the midwives are just using a tape measure and they all measure slightly different its quite common to referred for being to big or small and everything to be absolutely fine. Fingers crossed 🤞 it's the same for you.
I had that around 28 weeks, my bump suddenly measured 35 weeks so I had a scan and they said he was a big baby so I had to have growth scans to check fluid and baby etc and also a glucose test to check for gestational diabetes. I didn’t have that either, when he was born he was 8lb 7oz even tho they said he was measuring around 10lb.
It could just be the way baby is laid too which might make your bump bigger. Try not to worry but I know it’s easier said than done, Fingers crossed for you❤️ xx
is that based on bump size? That is really unreliable and can differ from person to person and how they measure you! I had a large fibroid which meant I was measuring six weeks ahead. Baby was perfect. Hope you get some reassurance x