I'm 5w 6days and I've had cramping on and off since transfer. It's developed into a sharp pain over the last 24hrs. No bleeding or spotting at all. The clinic want me to come in early for a scan tomorrow to check for an ectopic (we're due to scan next Wednesday) and I'm terrified. I don't know how I'll cope if we fail at this stage. We've tried so hard for so long.
Early scan tomorrow and I'm terrified - Fertility Network...
Early scan tomorrow and I'm terrified

Hi there.I had cramping on and off from transfer as well and kept thinking my period was going to come.At 5+2 I developed an intense pain on my right side near my ovary.No spotting or bleeding either.Called EPU and advised to come in for a scan due to possible ectopic.All was well though.Just stretching and little one settling in.Now nearly 28 weeks pregnant.Hoping all goes well with your scan tomorrow.x
Oh love I really hope it goes ok for you tomorrow! 😘 Sending lots of love xx
Really hope all is ok. Fingers firmly crossed for you xxx
sending love and prayers your way I’m sure all will be fine. I just passed a massive blood clot and I’m 5 weeks pregnant. I’m terrified too. This is the journey … 🥲🙏🏼
Thanks for your support everyone. Just to say we had the scan today. Everything in the right place and we saw a heart beat.
amazing news. Congratulations xxx
just wanted to say good luck Simmokt! Hope all is fine so you can be less stressful xx