I think it’s just me being really impatient to meet my long awaited baby, but did anyone else find the third trimester dragged along? I’m 33 weeks so still a little way to go, and all I can think about is preparing for their arrival and finally getting to say hello. Really struggling to stay engaged with work but thankfully only 3 weeks left before mat leave! Perhaps it’s because of finding out so very early with IVF pregnancies, but it has felt like a lengthy time!x
Third trimester dragging: I think it’s... - Fertility Network...
Third trimester dragging

Lol, yes...3rd trimester is never ending. And wait till you hit the last week of it. I had a planned c-section, so I knew the end date and the last 3 days and nights were probably the longest ones in my life. I guess try to enjoy it because once the baby comes, life goes by so fast. You wish you could slow it down.
Ugh yes. I worked until 38 weeks and was ready to finish at 33. I was late though so actually then it felt like a lot of time off. Don’t worry it’ll be gone before you know it and once those sleepless nights come the freedom you have now will be a distant memory. So try and enjoy it 👍
I was impatient for my first pregnancy, but then looked back and would have killed for some free time when the baby arrived!
But I am third trimester again now and won't miss being so massive. Dying to get my body back again...but aware when I give birth I will have no rest whatsoever....
I feel your pain - but try to enjoy the little time you have left.
Hi Claire, I am nearly 31 weeks and feeling the same, just can't wait now! I have started to annoy work colleagues by counting down the days I have left in work 🤣. Its probably a common feeling with 1st baby. Xx
I'm feeling like this pregnancy will last forever and I'm only 16 weeks 😂 So I can't imagine how you're feeling in the 3rd trimester! I keep hoping I'll soon reach a point where I'm less nervous and can enjoy it all more... xx