Well, after a seriously long and bumpy road, our gorgeous little girl has finally arrived. Her birth brought further complications including cholestasis, preeclampsia, induction of labourx2, failed forceps and finally emergency C-section. As scared as I was about all of that, we were beautifully cared for and nothing seemed out with our control. She is so worth it.xx If anyone is worried about any of these things please send me a message as happy to provide reassurance to anyone who needs it.x
Sensitive Post - Hope for others. - Fertility Network...
Sensitive Post - Hope for others.
congratulations 💓
Hooray! You made it! Massive congratulations!!! x
Amazing news!!! I might ask for your positive story about your c section! X
No problem, will send you a message.
Thanks so much! Just digesting the message now. Thanks for taking the time to share your experience xxx
Aww huge congratulations to you. Sounds like you had a rough time of it, hope you’re recovering well. Big hugs xx
aww lovely news

Hi Starlight. So sorry you had to go through so much. A daughter! How wonderful will the love be that you get from her. xxxx's for daughter and a gentle hug for you. Diane
Welcome to the world for your little one!
congratulations! Sounds very intense but I hope you are recovering well as is your beautiful baby 🥰🥰🥰 enjoy your time together, it is just amazing!
Thank you, it sounds much worse than it actually was. We were genuinely surprised at how ok it all was with so much support.x

I am happy to hear that! And also a good story for mums to be that despite all the interventions, you are still looking back at it with positivity due to the good support at the time! 🥰
Massive congratulations, wonderful news on the arrival of your daughter!
Big congrats! I'm sorry the birth was so hard, you're a true warrior! ♥️
Thanks, we are all warriors here😃.