I am due to have my FET soon and wanted to try steroids after reading SO MANY positive stories on here. I've seen people say it was the only thing that made a difference after so many failing. My clinic however are not keen to pursue this as they say there is not enough 'evidence' with regards to NK cells/steroids.
I have endometriosis and awful sinus issues which have both been linked with auto immune issues. I have never been pregnant after trying for 7 years in March (straight after we got married).
I really want to take a low dose steroid to improve my chances and make me feel better. No harm right? I have no faith in my body and any help will make me feel better. I am going to try and get a prescription to put me on them and speak to my GP too. I literally want to do all I can as this might be my last try with these little embies. I'm a little fixated on steroids and basically anything that will improve my chances 🙈 any advice would be so helpful xxx ❤