Nurse with early diagnosis of NAFL. I am struggling with eating only Fish and Chicken-Dr. orders. No vegetables, fruits, carbs of any kind. I cannot consume enough calories and really just want to sleep. Trying to also exercise daily to help with the condition. Also I am taking Omeprazole for the indigestion but the pain is still there in the upper abdomen. Any recommendations for me would be appreciated.
I have been told to go on a carnivo... - Living with Fatty...
I have been told to go on a carnivore diet with chicken and fish only. Is that the norm for this condition?

Seems counterintuitive. How can you get complete nutrition without vegetables. Low carb diet makes sense but cutting all vegetables out will leave you with a deficit of fiber and nutrients like vitamins and minerals. Lack of fiber alone might be causing some pain. I would seek the counsel of a dietitian.
Many meals I only have just chicken or just fish, I just don't feel like eating anything else especially when I has having a lot of digestive problems. I am on omeprazole as well and have been for about 3 months because I was taking Ozempic to lose weight and the liver just didn't like it. Red meat is just to hard for the liver to digest, but I would call the doctor and ask about the vegs. again, are you sure he wasn't meaning as far as protein just eat fish and chicken. I eat a lot of salmon.
I have never heard of this treatment. I have been to multiple GIs and a hepatologist. Meat and processed food is harder on the liver. I assume his goal is drop the weight fast then get you back to a healthy diet?
I am shocked: no fruits and vegetables!
80 percent of your diet should be fruit and vegetables. I suggest fire your doctor immediately and get nutritional consultation.
Wishing you lots of luck.
Are you seeing a liver doctor or a primary care specialist? I can’t imagine just eating protein without any vegetables - where is the fiber and other nutrients? Fiber helps with digestion.
According to the Fatty Liver Foundation, the diet should consist of fatty fish, white meat chicken or turkey, most veggies. And limited fruit. I eat blueberries almost every day. Also have oatmeal for breakfast. I agree that a dietician could help to get a balanced diet that is healthy. Just meat or fish is not.
Well, that doesn't sound particularly helpful or healthy. What's your Dr's reasoning ? You need good fruits , veg, whole grains in your diet. Fish is good for sure as a good source of omega and protein. Perhaps look at the Mediterranean Diet for some good ideas.