Would you be willing to share your experience as a patient or caregivers for $450 and have a chance to help educate others? I'm participating on behalf of the foundation and they asked if I might extend the offer to other patients we are in contact with. Check it out if you are willing
My name is Maggie and I am with LaGrippe Research. We are currently working on a project on the topic of Non-Alcoholic Steatohepatitis (NASH) and Fatty Liver Disease/Non-Alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) and are looking for patients and caregivers to participate. The overall goal of this project is to put a face behind the disease; we want to hear about your journey! If you are interested, you can fill out our preliminary questions online:
Patients: surveymonkey.com/r/PK66TRC
Caregivers: surveymonkey.com/r/P89Y2KQ
This would be in the form of a 5-day mobile community where you will spend 15-20 minutes each day at a time convenient to you answering questions and sharing your experiences. This will take place the week of February 18th. If you qualify and participate you will be compensated $450 as a thank you by a check in the mail. If you have questions, please contact me at 847-373-4104 or maggie@lagripperesearch.com.