i received a call from my gastro Dr office this past week; was told my liver is perfect, my labs are perfect and my scans are perfect and I don’t have to come back for a year!
recent test results: i received a call... - Living with Fatty...
recent test results

Congratulations, I remember the day I was told that I could just go on routine monitoring. A really good feeling.
Congratulations!! You are truly an inspiration! Way too make it happen ! You should be very proud of yourself 👍😄.
what did you have and how did you do it to get rid of?
I was diagnosedin Jan 2022 with F4 fibrosis, NASH; greatly enlarged liver; liver enzymes in the hundreds; although i had hardening and scarring, i was not in active cirrhosis. I was told to eat no sugar and low carbs . I bought a book called How to naturally reverse fatty liver by Jonathan Mizell and Susan Peters . I went by this book although i do eat some chicken and fish. I began an exercise program at my church. I ate no sugar, low carbs and low fat. ( mostly organic fruits and veggies, berries , nuts and seeds). No fried foods, nobread , no dairy,no white foods, no starchy veggies. I cook all my green veggies in sauteed purple onions and peeled garlic pods and olive oil. They are delicious cooked this way. I take milk thistle every day. I lost 43 lbs and everything is perfect now. I never drink alcohol so that wasnt an issue. My fatty diet was the problem. No more biscuits and sausage and bacon for me. No more ribeye steaks either. Good luck to you!
Feeling overwhelmed . Dr never explained the fatty liver to me . Just said excercise and eat healthy . That I shouldn’t be worried and it was not that serious . Now it realize there’s sooo many things I should have not been eating/drinking. If I would have been aware I would have avoided all that stuff. My enzyme levels came out normal range but my side has been uncomfortable for a month . I had to reach out to a different dr to run more test because I feel this is not normal.
Hi, SarahG23, if you were to ask folks how many of them got the same response from their PCP(Primary Care physicians), that number would be in the tens of thousands, myself included.
PCP’s don’t have a clue as to what tests or exams to order and the years pass by with them telling you the same thing “ eat right and exercise”.
Then you get the news that you have serious liver disease or cirrhosis such as in my case.
A very easy test that they can order is an ultrasound with Elastography. This test measures the density of your liver and you will get a reading such as F1-F4, with F4 being cirrhosis. PCP’s regularly order a standard ultrasound but all that tells them is that you have fatty liver.
I like you discovered I had pain on my left side just bellow the ribs. It turned out I have an enlarged spleen along with Liver cirrhosis, varices, low platelets etc.
Hopefully, you won’t have advanced liver disease and you can most definitely help it with the correct diet and exercise.
Sending positive vibes your way.
I started drinking milk thistle tea. What Milk thistle did you drink ? Capsules or tea?
What a great story!!! So happy for you! I myself went on almost the same diet as you. Started a vitamin regiment of D3, C, B complex, E, Fosh Oil, and L-carnitine. I have lost 26 pounds, my doctor said my blood results and ultrasound look good and am on track for a healthier future…. This forum has been so informative and inspirational.
Hi there!
You also have given me hope!
Do I have to be careful taking Milk Thistle and is their a brand that is safer? Better?
Also, if not my internist-what type of doctor do people recomend?
I'm new ans scarred
Shelterdog congrats!!! you stated your liver enzymes were in the hundreds what did your numbers go down to.
Congratulations! I hope that I can follow in your footsteps! I’m kinda falling off the wagon this month, but your achievement gives hope. 💪🏻
What an inspiration you are! It’s people like you that give the rest of us hope! Thank you for sharing this wonderful news. Could you tell me what scan you had done ? I go Tuesday for a fibroScan.
How long did it take you to reverse this especially being F4? I know my liver is improving and my labs are perfect now after 7 months with lifestyle changes. I’m praying this scan comes back better than the electro graphs ultrasound did. They are saying mine is genetic did anyone else in your family have this? I’ve never drank in my life so I was shocked because I was always lead to believe my brother and his daughter and my cousin all died from cirrhosis because they were heavy drinkers now I know the truth and it kills me to think I maybe could have saved them if I knew about this disease.
What was the name of the book you purchased and did you buy from Amazon?
thats great!! just remember what you have learned so you won't duplicate your past issues!!
thank you so much!!
Hi ! I am herman 7275
You are so lucky! Congrats!
May I ask what was your original situation and course of treatment?
Jan 2022 F4 fibrosis ; hardening and scarring of liver but no active cirrhosis; cap score 380; KPA score 15. Bought the book “ Howto naturally reverse fatty liver” by Jonathan Mizell and Susan Peters. Lost 43 lbs in 7 months. Current cap score 202; KPA score 6.4 liver enzymes 17and 20; they had previuosly been in the hundreds. Liver is normal size now. Labs are perfect and liveris perfect; I don’t return to gastro for one year!