CAP 177 kPa 4.0 then 1 yr later it was CAP 400 kPa 28.4 what does the change say about me ???
Fibroscan so different in 1 year? - Living with Fatty...
Fibroscan so different in 1 year?

Doesn't sound right to me, or am I missing something. What does hep say?
well the dr isn't being real clear thats why I thought I would throw it out here see whaat others migt say

The 2nd test appears to be invalid. The CAP only goes to 400 so I'd be asking what makes sense from the rest of your medical record.
she says Liver biopsy say F3 fibrosis and Cirrhosis is F4, but says fibroscan is noninvasive test that can be affected by inflamation,eating, and weight gain if you have increased skin to liver capsule distance?? She says my Fibroscan is suggestive of moderate-severe steatosis and a higher liver stiffness measurement than my last year but my numbers flucuate with weight loss.
What was the name of that test you just had done Wayne. Is that something he could ask for?
fibroscan VCTE test Vibration Controlled Transient Elastography, that's all I can see , no real name, this was done,at Indiana University Health.

It sounds like she has a good grasp of the situation and weight loss is a key factor.
Have you got IRQ/median scores along with above results?
177 decibels with IQR of 41 &4.0 now IQR to Median ratio of 18%.
So seems ok. Anyway I would say that biopsy is the best to describe your liver status. I think it is not possible to went from F0/F1 (4 kpa) to solid F4 (28.4 kpa) within one year (moreover with life style change). Stick with your dr.
Some solid material about fibroscan:
This part was a suprise for me not sure if it is true or how much it impacts on results.
”In addition, the patient should remain at rest for 10 minutes before the examination [9] and hold his or her breath during the examination [10]"
" The mean value of liver stiffness in healthy subjects, without any known liver disease and with normal biochemistry and hematology tests, is 5.5 ± 1.6 kPa according to some authors [12] and 4.8 ± 1.3 kPa according to others [13]. Age does not appear to influence this value, but stiffness is higher in men than in women (5.8 ± 1.6 kPa vs. 5.2 ± 1.6 kPa) as well as in subjects with a BMI > 30 kg/m2(6.3 ± 1.9 kPa vs. 5.4 ± 1.5 kPa) [14]. It is very difficult to establish the normal range of liver stiffness without biopsy, but the reverse is not feasible. "