Hi pls can I ask for advise. I’m 44 and up until 5 years ago was very fit I was a marathon runner. I’ve always been a big to moderate drinker but always had at least two or three night off a week. I’ve had two major back ops in last ten years so have taken a lot of medication last years. I’m not over weight but do have high collestrol which they felt was hereditary so put me on a statin. I had a blood test and the doctor advised I had high enzymes of 82 percent which is over what it should be. He advised to stop drinking for two months which I am fine with. Does this mean I have Fatty liver he seemed very matter of fact about whole thing.
Increased enzymes : Hi pls can I ask... - Living with Fatty...
Increased enzymes

Also I have had a tender abdomen in centre and bad acid reflux as symptoms. Thanks all I know this sounds trivial. He has advised no booze for three months and another test which I am fine with but obviously I’m worried.

Hi WJohns
Binge drinking and medications can cause liver damage and fatty liver. Elevated liver enzymes can indicate fatty liver but aren't really diagnostic. A lot of things can raise blood levels. Liver diagnosis is fairly complex so your doctor may have more information that causes him to say that but a lot of docs, GP's in particular, have little knowledge of liver disease. You need more testing than you indicated to get a diagnosis. The easiest is a Fibroscan which may not be available in your area, but try to find a doc that works with liver disease as many do not.
He seemed to think it was reversible I hope he’s right.
It is complicated, but in some ways fatty liver due to alcohol is easiest because you know what is causing it and you can stop. Take away whatever is damaging the liver and it will try to heal. How successful it will be depends on how often you cause further damage. Your best bet is to adopt a liver friendly lifestyle. Here is some information that may help you
How high are those numbers even when my liver function is normal?
enzyme values can fluctuate a lot even during the day. Your lab has normal ranges for their test so think of it as how your value relates to normal for that particular lab. High values of ALT suggest some kind of damage going on but it could be caused by a variety of things so it is mostly an indication to ask more questions.
Thanks. I guess my question is my numbers are not that high does that indicate it’s just mild If there is damage? And thank you I do appreciate your advise as Doctor was not that helpful. It was just a telephone call.
Generally enzymes are a guide to look more closely. They are part of the puzzle but don't answer the question you are trying to ask. Some people go to full blown cirrhosis without ever having an out of range blood test. It is a signal to ask more questions but in itself isn't a diagnosis. You do need a doctor to help you get to the bottom of it.
Ow god that sounds very worrying. Thanks
Don't let it make you crazy. Liver disease is generally slow to develop but it is important to learn what is going on. Like I said, there are a lot of things that can affect blood tests.
I was kind of hoping I did not have liver disease. The doctor sounded pretty non plus and I have two small daughters. You know how bad can high enzymes by 20 percent be. ? I was hoping if I don’t drink for two months and learn from this I would get away with it.
You mentioned statins. I developed “hepatitis-like” reaction in 2006 after being started on a combo statin, Vytorin. Did not have Hep A, B, or C. I got soreness over the liver, nausea, fatigue, and they found my liver enzymes were increased. Never had any problems before that. Wasn’t a big drinker, maybe 2-3 drinks a week at most. After it calmed down , they did a liver biopsy which showed fatty liver with some damage. After a couple of years, my enzymes went back to normal. Last fall, my enzymes were up a little, and by the end of the year, I got tenderness, fatigue, swelling over liver. Testing showed advanced cirrhosis. I’m not saying you shouldn’t stop drinking as you have been advised, but I would discuss the statin with your dr. I was advised to never take it again 12 years ago and list it as an allergy. I have had drs try to put me back on one, even though my Chol/Trig are in the upper range of normal. Now dealing with frustration of being “sick”, but not sick enough yet for transplant. Take care.
Julie A
You need to have a Ultrasound to determine fatty liver. Found high bilirubin count on my blood work.