It’s on my chart liver disease but clear scans just slightly elevated liver enzymes
Can my dr just add liver disease as a... - Living with Fatty...
Can my dr just add liver disease as a dx with out telling me
Doctors make their own rules it seems!
I called and he changed the dx to “abnormal liver enzymes” I called saying I’d really like to know what kind of liver disease I have and based on what exact test because I have only been with the dr for 5 years and we do an ultrasound every other year and he sent me to a specialist that ruled out a lot of possible auto immune things… so I’m just like huh?
Yes he can if the results in his eyes are saying so, my doctor said I don't a diseased liver. What is doctor bassing this on?
The liver enzymes test only shows that it is off when the liver is really sick because the normal range is so wide. So if it is elevated, even a little, it needs to be checked into.
Thanks for your reply, I’m hoping it’s just the Prozac causing it I am going down to 3 pills a week since it stays in my system while