Was diagnosed in Oct with Fatty Liver. Was told to lose weight. Went to liver specialist. He said it's no big deal. I said I have pain. He said it's not my liver but slipped rib syndrome?? What?
Who do you believe re: fatty liver? - Living with Fatty...
Who do you believe re: fatty liver?
Hi Similau that is an odd sequence. No wonder you are confused. A few questions come to mind, how were you diagnosed in October for example? You say you went to a liver specialist, was that a hepatologist and what additional tests did you have? Do you feel that you were thoroughly examined? To be clear, your second doctor may have done a very good job and perhaps your fatty liver is at a low level and rib pain can happen, but it seems fair for you to be asking more questions or digging into the information you have in more detail.
1st Dr read high bilirubin level on lab test. Ultrasound showed fatty liver. Pain in side sometimes. Thought it was liver. Now told slipped rib. Alleve for pain for 2 weeks. Dr said I'm overthinking my fatty liver. A third of population go to their graves & don't even know they have fatty liver. I thought it was serious & could lead to cirrhosis. ??
It is true that 30% of the population have fatty livers. It is also true that 20% of those develop disease and liver problems cause a lot of other diseases to get worse. Fatty liver will become the number one cause for liver transplants by 2020 so understanding your situation is wise. Statistics are great unless you are on the wrong side of the equation. If you are interested in learning more about it here is a link to a lot of explanation
Can you please reference the statement about fatty liver becoming the number one cause of liver transplant by 2020.
I found the link to the fatty liver foundation to be most informative but I think for people with no foundation in anatomy and physiology it could be a bit daunting.
Sure, I will post that link a little later. I know I provide a lot of information but there are hundreds of sites that just skim the surface. Easy to create but to really deal with the problem you need understanding it. My goal is to be the best source of real information.
I have a good understanding of liver disease and a backgroung which allows me to understand the terminology used in the videos. However, many people will not have the capability to understand the videos which means they will probably lose interest and not continue or possibly misinterpret the information.
It is important to tell the facts as it is. Therefore, your links are very valuable but some people need to have it written in more layman terms.
The question of audience understanding is a difficult one that I struggle with. We decided to provide more detail because there are a lot sites that talk about the disease but just skim the surface so that is available. We believe we are a little unique as we try to help people really understand it. Clearly some people will just say it is too much and go away. We hope they come back when they are more comfortable, but our goal is to serve people who really do want to understand. I have added a few "summary" pages which may help some get started. Thanks for your observation, it is a subject we try to deal with in our design.
Hi Mauschen, here is the study about incidents. This is a quote "NASH will become the most common indication for liver transplantation between 2020 and 2025." Here is a link to the article gastrojournal.org/article/S...
Thank you! Hope I find correct answers soon.
Similau, My sister has severe pain from her ribs hitting her hip bone which is apparently called slipped rib syndrome among other things. I did some internet research and discovered that it is frequently overlooked as a potential source of pain. I'm not clear on what type of doctor treats it, but there was some information on how it is diagnosed. My sister also has AIH with stage 2 fibrosis, but the pain is definitely from the slipped rib and not her liver. Don't know if that's helpful or not, but good luck in sorting it out.