Hi, I just discovered yesterday that I have a very low vitamin D. I started to take fish oil and more of fat fish immediatelly. Does anybody here have any experience with this? How long does it take to improve it? Could this be a result of liver disease? My doctor isn’t concerned as usual. BTW my liver enzymes ALT, AST are still slightly elevated. No improvement here Thanks Monicka
Low vitamin D. How long does it take ... - Living with Fatty...
Low vitamin D. How long does it take to get it back to normal?

Hi Monicka, fish has some vitamin D but most people end up taking a supplement. Being in the sun lets your body made it but then you get into the debate about UV damage. A lack of vitamin D may make liver disease worse but probably not a specific cause though I haven't researched that so perhaps someone else knows.
Depending on how low it is, you may need a prescription dose to get to near normal. Then maybe you can manage to get a bit more sun and take over the counter D (D3 is what we take).
There is a ton of information written in easy-to-understand in layperson language about sunlight and Vitamin D all over the internet. This is one occasion where google.com can be your friend. "Sunlight - Vitamin D" will get you a dozen webpages of info.
It is easy, quick and free to get all the Vitamin D you need and the improvement can be rapid.
Just don't burn and you have be careful if you take certain medicines, in which case you can still get the sun you need, you just have to do it in shorter doses. 15 minutes a day instead of 30 for example. That is rarely a problem if you are smart and careful. But again, I am not a doctor so consult with one (or with a chemist/pharmacist who should also know all of this). Too much sun can be bad (skin cancer). A doctor will tell you what to do. You'll be fine!