Recently diagnosed with NASH and wond... - Living with Fatty...
Recently diagnosed with NASH and wondering if it’s ok to take aspirin ?

NSAIDs like aspirin and ibuprofen are not recommended. The only thing most docs suggest is Tylenol and no more than 2000 mg per day but be sure to ask your doc.
So this was the exact opposite advice that my doctor gave me when I first had elevated liver enzymes. He said no Tylenol, but Ibuprofen was ok if needed. I try not to take anything just to be on the safe side. Does anyone else have any insight one way or the other?
I was told none of the above. I was told Tylenol was the worst. No aspirin, only take meds that go through your kidneys not processed in your liver like Aleve.
This is one of the big problems we have a patients. The typical doc isn't trained on liver disease and there is all kinds of conflicting advice. The position of the hepatologists, the official view of the AASLD, is Tylenol only and no more than 2000 mg daily for someone with NASH and avoid that if possible.