Hi, I was diagnosed with fatty liver in 2017 via ultrasound and I didn't stop eating bad or drinking. However after a year of losing some weight and eating better my numbers are all within normal range. I'm horribly scared I have caused very bad damage to my liver. My fib4 and nflad scores all trended without going above the advanced fibrosis levels but when I saw a hepatalogist she didn't seemed concerned with my numbers and wanted me to lose weight and not get a biopsy yet. I am currently 27 and even though my LFT test is normal I'm scared I have done irreversible damage. What test other or anything other than a biopsy can I get to see if I have irreversible damage? I'm very scared sorry
Fatty liver since 2017, now starting ... - Living with Fatty...
Fatty liver since 2017, now starting to make changes.
You might have this blood test
I've personally used to it to confirm some of my other testing. A better next step than trying to get a biopsy.
Thank you. I am just freaking out. At one point my ast was 114 and alt was 208...now my numbers are ast: 27, alt:50 Bilirubin:.6 abumin: 5.3 and platelets are 290. In your opinion do these numbers look bad? I know I have alot of weightloss left but my next hepatologist appointment isn't till April and just need to talk. Thanks for the reply
I'd suggest taking a deep breath and perhaps I can offer a bit of perspective. If we assume this hasn't been because of some toxic event or an autoimmune issue, you have every reason to be optimistic. You have had some troublesome tests but your system has responded to your efforts and is doing better. With fatty liver issues slow and steady is the way of it. You do have to adopt a healthy lifestyle and maintain it for the rest of your life but unless something else is going on there is no reason that you can't achieve your goals and live a normal life. Your hepatologist can interpret your status and keep you pointed in the right direction. Good luck
You can feel free to read all my over the top ridiculous freak out posts. I still freak out but I’ve had literally every liver test I can get and things are ok even though my body very much so does not feel ok. I was diagnosed with fatty liver in May 2020 then enlarged liver with Riedel’s lobe in June. Obviously it all scared the hell out of me as I was a drinker and suffering liver issue symptoms like pale stool, URQ pains, itching, nauseas , skin rashes. They decided to biopsy me and it came back with Gilbert’s syndrome only and that my fat was not detected. The first steps before the biopsy though were a couple serious liver blood tests I think one was called fibrosure and also autoimmune check. Then I got two different types of fibroscans that both read 3.4 kpa which is normal and just a bit of fat with 245 cap score. I would really ask for the fibrosure blood and push for the fibroscan. From what I’ve learned many drs like the fibroscan compared with the other labs to feel confident in the diagnosis. My personal opinion is if you have been making healthy changes then the numbers going down should be positives and hopefully continue to improve. I hope everything goes well.
Thanks for the reply, I am getting the LiverFast blood test done on Monday and when i meet with my Hepatologist regarding the results I will see if she recommends a fibroscan. She was pretty adament looking at my numbers of the past few years that I really shouldnt worry and focus on losing weight and being healthy asap. So I am prolly freaking out over nothing and just need to relax and stay focused on being healthy.
Yea I think you are most likely going in the right direction. My fibroscan and blood test both almost said the same only the blood test showed no fat after 5 months since the ultrasound but the fibroscan after 4 months since ultrasound still picked up a little fat. I could have gotten rid of it the month as my last ultrasound s and biopsy showed no fat as of now. So I’d say the blood test will probably be pretty accurate for you.
I got my LiverFast test results and I had a SAF score of S1-A0-F0. I don't really know how to trust these results but I feel more comfortable. I am still over weight but I hope these test are accurate.
As for liver health it doesn't appear you need to worry. Your SAF scores should be very good news for you since they don't get much better. Relax and focus on continued healthy eating and getting regular exercise to get to your goal weight. At our house we do not use the word "diet" because it's truly an eating plan for life.