How much fruit should you eat with nash liver disease --i have had conflicting opinions
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can i eat fruit

Fruit in moderate amounts is a good thing. Large amounts at one time is not a good idea, it is about the sugar load and how fast it is entering the body. Vegetables and nuts are better snacks. If your liver is struggling you have to consider how fast you are asking it to process anything you eat but as to how much, it really depends on how your particular body is functioning.
That is where i have gone wrong --i crave something sweet so eat fruit probably about 5 portions a day
We can be addicted to sugar, but it can also be your body wanting energy. Try a tablespoon of olive oil. A better source of energy and it may ease the cravings, though it will take a few minutes to have an effect.
The type of fruit matters as well. Berries have less sugar than a lot of other fruits, as well as antioxidants that are good for the liver. In one NIH article I read, the Uthors recommended aronia berries (aka black choke cherries) and black currants among other fruits. Grapefruit is good for the liver as well. My doctor recommended a half a grapefruit a day because of antioxidants in them.
Hi Lassie
Grapefruit is a mixed bag. It has chemicals that have to be processed by the same enzyme system in the liver CYP450 that manages most of the drugs we use. That can change the way your drugs are working and in extreme cases result in an overdose. Drinking grapefruit juice in particular is not a good idea if you have a sick liver.
I agree it is a mixed bag. When I was put on a statin, I checked to be sure it is not affected by grapefruit. However, for those who can take it safely without drug interactions, it's good. My sister, who is on anti-cancer medication can't have it. Some people say to time medication doses and grapefruit consumption this way or that, but it's just safer to avoid it if it can react with medication one is taking.
I agree with NYLassie. Fructose (the sugar in fruit) can only be metabolized by the liver from what I've read. So limiting consumption, both amount and type are key for nafld.
Blackberries, Raspberries and strawberries have the lowest sugar of the fruits I normally eat. I ended up giving up grapes, apples, bananas, oranges..etc because the sugar/carbs was just to high.
Thats probably why i go for the wrong fruits --because i crave something sweet its usually grapes apples and oranges ---if i have a banana i go for under ripe ---I have blueberries etc but they dont satisfy the desire for something sweet --- I am going to listen to the info given and for the sake of my liver i will cut down on the portions of fruit