Has anyone ever heard of NoT having cirrhosis (still diagnosed as fatty liver or NASH) and having mild ascites? From my understanding, they will only get worse and cannot be cured.
NASH and Ascites: Has anyone ever heard... - Living with Fatty...
NASH and Ascites

There is a lot of confusion about naming with liver disease. Stage 4 NASH is another name for cirrhosis and some people just call everything fatty liver disease. You might talk with your docs about clarifying that definition. Ascites can be caused by other things, lymph system obstruction for example, but it is usually related to portal vein pressure as a result of liver issues. If your diagnosis is NASH, it is important to understand that diet can make a big difference in progression. Here is a link that may help you get started.
I have a 5 cm vaginal fibroid constantly bleeding, several more fibroids and cysts on my left ovary. Once they found the ascites from a vomiting ER/abdominal pain visit, it has halted everything. I went back to Mayo and was given an ultrasound after having 4 days of HCTZ water pill/blood pressure. I’m afraid the diuretics treated the ascites, so they couldn’t see it. If I hadn’t insisted on seeing a heptologist this coming Tuesday, I wouldn’t be going. I feel horrible but recovering. I have pelvic floor dysfunction, and with this fibroid and pressure, not going to the bathroom is a problem.
I’ve went on an excessive diet journey recently. I’ve lost 10 pounds in a week and trying to lose as much as I can. Taking a vitamin without iron.
I’m just very upset that my local ER/PCP is more aware of the severity of my issues and care than Mayo right now. I’m only 41, and I think they’ve dismissed me as irrational but I’m not. I hope Tuesday is a better and more clear picture.
Many doctors have no idea what fatty liver or NASH really is. Find your self a specialist. I first went to one and I just felt uneasy about him, that he really didn't know much so then I went to OSU where they did transplants and I thought I'd have hope. Now OSU is doing living liver transplants and they have discussed that with me as I am in Stage 4. My specialist who did transplants retired last July and he gave me to a new specialist who is determined to find a cure and she put me on the research program. I feel safe now. I know I will get the best care possible. Yes, I had to move 60 miles and yes, I had to find a new job. However my life and living a good life was more important to me. I feel great and look great, no one suspects that my first doctor told me I'd be dead in 6 years. That was 19 years ago. Get a good Dr.
Go back to your doctor and get a diagnosis, what is fatty liver or Nash? if he or she can't tell you then go find one that can.
I'm not trying to be your shrink but you need to re-consider about your choice of ID. You are not dying and NASH is not a terminal illness. It can be maintained and also reversed in many cases. But to fight off any condition you will have to have warrior spirit and positive outlook. Trust me positive outlook has helped me lot in getting better as I'm NASH fibrotic patient. Diet and exercise with healthy lifestyle habits can really help you in a long way. Dont try to lose weight by only diet(crash diet is dangerous). Exercise can really help you in shedding those extra pounds and will help to fight off underlying causes like metabolic syndrome, insulin resistance and what not. Find a good hepatalogist and get a fibroscan and LFT done. Your doctor will then establish at what stage you are in and how to work towards improving the condition. I wish you good luck.
In having a MRE Thursday. I’m scared to death to find out. I have multiple other issues going on. I have fibroids/tumor/cysts and need a hysterectomy but can’t until cleared by the Hep doctor. I also got called back on my mammogram for places they don’t like and will do another one soon. I also tested positive for the PALB-2 gene. I’ve got multiple parts of my body trying to kill me at the same time. It’s quite difficult to be optimistic right now.
When life hits you hard, you hit it back harder. Now is the time to be more positive than ever, to bring out that fighting spirit in you. We are sure you will win this battle. We pray for your speedy recovery and wish for your best of health. Keep us posted.
We as a community are always here for the support.