Hello, I was diagnosed with fatty liver about 10 yrs ago now and that was it. No direction from my doctor, at that time. So, I figured, ok I've got fatty liver and should lose some weight but that was it. Well now 10 yrs later I've been diagnosed with NASH that would be fatty liver Stage 2, I think. Next stage would be cirrhosis or cancer. Well, I've live a rather sendentary life and eaten junk food, etc. I now have to turn everything around if I want to go on living a health life. Right now, I have rt shoulder pain, diarrhea and fatigue most days.
NASH : Hello, I was diagnosed with... - Living with Fatty...

Yes, it is probably time to be serious about it. There is a lot of information on our website than may help you with the details.
Hey nash2. First of all these symptoms are not particularly for liver disease! Secondly 10 years of fatty liver does not mean it leads to nash or cancer! Yes in certain circumstances it could be if you don't stop unhealthy eating and drinking alcohol, stress... Etc. What you should know first only your doctor can give you the right diagnosis!!! Which you should see at the first place. Then make sure you know that liver damage can be reversible at any stage except for liver cancer ! Which needs liver transplant. My advise to you is to to stick to a healthy balanced diet like olive oil, tumeric and ginger with kafir(probiotic) and lots vegetables like cabbage, broccoli, onion, garlic... Salads, spinach, and kale. Try to eat sardine at least twice a week add couscous, quinoa, bulgur, frika to your diet. You can have whole porridge for breakfast. Tomato and avocado salad are great. Brown bread too. Once your doctor gave you the diagnosis ask him for supplements milk thistle, artichoke Tea... Try to stop alcohol for sure, no cakes, no chips no burgers, no katchup and mayonnaise. Eat very healthy, fruits and vegetables. More fiber and exercise. Look for portions sizes not over calories intake as this damage the liver no medications unless prescribed by your doctor.! Ater6 months back to me with the results. Stay away from stress be happy don't over thinking about it. Stick to your diet and dance as mu h as you like. Meditation is great. All the best. Stay safe.
Hi Kabyle
Just a note here if your post refers to Ednoral. There apparently was a diagnosis of NASH so we aren't thinking just about fatty liver, but good comments on diets. Better lifestyle is the key either way.
Hey Wayne. Yeah for sure I do understand that is for nash. Basically fatty liver if left untreated it could becomes nash.but this process it takes years as it could take months. I'm t saying from my experience, knowledge and expertise in the field. I have mentioned that doctor diagnosis is paramount. Then diet it comes in second place.,exercise at third place. First of all once doctor confirms that you have nash. Put in your mind that is not the end of the world. It is reversible especially if it is at f1 or f2 levels. At f3 it could be manageable not to go far down.so all what you should do is :1- No alcoho and cigarettes, 2-No stress, 3- have varied and balanced diet (* much vegetables and fruits, less salt and sugar especially high carbs density food). 4-limit the calories intake to 1800-2000 a day.,5- drink plenty of water one cup every one hour, 6- exercise at least 150 minutes of moderate exercise a week like jumping, fast walking, running, aerobic, dancing, all sorts os sports are good). 7- try to find the cause and tackle it like if choesterol caused your nash so diet for cholesterol, if diabetes try to manage it with doctor tablets, if is drugs stay away, if is alcohol try not to drink... All that will help on top of the diet. 8-sleep enough at least 7 to 8 hrs of good sleep a day in order to body to recover. 9-beleive on yourself that you ll reverse it and it ll happen by following these instruction that's what we call power of healing by mind set. 10-add milk thistle, green tea, and coffee to your daily drinks every day that ll help a lots. All the best. Doctor advise always comes first. Thanks. Any questions please ask as I'm very good in that field.
Thanks for your expertise. I am a retired R.N. and have quite a bit of experience in the health field. I have extensive medical knowledge as I was a telehealth nurse for couple of years. So, your input was appreciated but nothing that I didn't already know.
I feel I should point out that milk thistle is an oestrogenic, so if you have any hormone-sensitive conditions or have had breast cancer, please check with your doctor before taking it. Certain breast cancers are triggered by oestrogen, so if you have had that kind of cancer, you should avoid anything that can increase oestrogen levels. Soy products are a major culprit, but so are a surprising number of drugs and herbs.
are those symptoms of fatty liver disease?