Hi, was just hoping to get some feedback on my Fibrosure test results that came back today. I have been having slight/moderate discomfort in the RUQ for about 6 months, it has been pretty consistent. Really no other symptoms. I had an ultrasound and CT scan, both came back as fatty liver so my regular Dr. referred me to a Gastroenterologist who didn't seem very concerned based on my blood tests etc but ordered a Fibrosure test. So the results came back this morning with a Fibrosis score of .13 (F0), steatosis score of .67 (S2 - Moderate Steatosis) and NASH score of .5 (N1 - Borderline or probable NASH). So I was happy with the fibrosis but I guess concerned maybe early stages of NASH? How is NASH diagnosed and does anyone know how the test comes up with the NASH score? Dr. said the liver doesn't feel enlarged and not showing any other symptoms. Any feedback is appreciated. Thanks
Fibrosure Results: Hi, was just hoping... - Living with Fatty...
Fibrosure Results

Hi Adam
As the conditions in the liver change it does affect various components of blood. Basically, they did a lot testing and a lot of statistical analysis to create a formula which attempts to show what the condition of the liver is. The company claims that it is as accurate as biopsy but the FDA hasn't entirely agreed but it is being used increasingly and is good for indicating if additional testing is needed. Your indication is probable early NASH so you should take it seriously as you don't want to go down that road but manage the obesity and you have an excellent prognosis.
Sorry on this occasion I have to admit defeat. I’m totally in the dark when it comes to results and scores etc. 🤷♀️. Not even aware of my own, or what they mean. !!. I just follow the forum for advice and support re basic taking care of my self with diet and exercise. Attend 6 monthly check up scans and bloods. Seems to work for me. I’m at that stage in life where my train of thoughts, often leave the station without me🤔haha. Best wishes.
You have a chance to do a healthy diet i would do low carb no sugar drink lots of water and you will be on the best path you can be on good luck
Also my scores was not as good as those and didn't show in blood work. Mine was 350 on the fatty liver and f2 8% stenosis which means more the 67% of my liver is fat! That hurts! 8% stenosis is scaring from damage done so f0 means a big deal you have no damage done yet!!! Thats Awsome news!
Your in the early stages so diet will help you a lot. You will know when you get worst as the liver does swell and goes into your rib cage. Stabbing into your side, or you get sick eating beef. Good luck. You sound like your not bad at all yet. I'm in Stage 4. The discomfort is very bothersome from the swelling.
Hi There! I was not offered the Fibrosure test. Did bloodwork revealing very high levels, then ultrasound scan. Specialist then decided to do biopsy. He explained this was the only way NASH could be definitively diagnosed?
I had the Fibrosure blood test done and my gastroenterologist said he didn’t fully trust this test. Mine was inaccurate due to not fasting before the test (no one told me to) and I have heart failure which affects some of the values. Also, certain drugs can affect it. My Hepatologist at Duke agreed with my gastroenterologist.
Hi, I just wanted to thank everybody for all the responses. No real update other than I am trying to control my diet and lose weight, I am about 6'6 240 so my BMI is overweight at about 28. I have a sweet tooth so I need to cut back on sugar as my glucose rating was above 100. Cholesterol was also high so I need to make improvements there as well. I guess it just makes me nervous hearing that you don't typically have "symptoms" until later in prognosis.