Any easy breakfast and dinner ideas?
Any easy breakfast and dinner ideas? - Living with Fatty...
Any easy breakfast and dinner ideas?

Right a typical breakfast for me either porridge oats, shredded wheat, wheetabix with added mixed berries and or sliced small banana.
Dinner. Fish, chicken, turkey, or lean pork medallions. Served with variety of veggies sprinkled with olive oil and roasted in oven. Alternatively I’ve invested in a no oil non stick frying pan. Even quicker 😜 , I partly cook veg in microwave, then into pan sprinkle with olive oil. Delicious. Enjoy 😊.
I have a protein shake or protein bar. I’ve also made crust less quiche with veggies and some Parmesan for flavor.
There is a great site called It does not cost a thing and gives easy to follow instructions to follow. You can even get on their e-mail list and get daily recipes that you can file in certain columns and look them up. I strongly suggest this site because it allows you to pick foods that support the type of meals you need to eat with your condition. As for me Cream of wheat or soft scrambled eggs are a breakfast favorite of mine. Lujnch when I ever get to eat it is usually berries and cheese or cottage cheese. Dinner chicken, Fish, turkey, Pork loin a sometimes even beef but keep it within limits. Veggies, veggies and veggies and a small portion of a starch sweet potato etc.. Enjoy find a good recipe site and go crazy Bon Apetite !!
Oatmeal and either raspberries or blueberries, add water and microwave for about 2 minutes.
Hard boiled eggs and half an avocado. Hard boiled eggs are great because you can make a batch in advance and peel and go!
I like the idea of keeping boiled eggs in the fridge too. Start the day with a carb. Cereals and fruit with little or no sugar are great. If you keep some protein for a shake on hand, you’ve always got an breakfast for on the go. Have you tried Shredded wheat in berry flavors? Super low sodium!