I have read quite a few findings that this really is something that aids in liver health and more studies are being done. Does anyone know more about this?
Milk Thistle For Liver Detox...has an... - Living with Fatty...
Milk Thistle For Liver Detox...has anyone heard of this or taken it with good results?

Milk thistle is favored by a lot of people and there have been suggestive studies, however, no real solid evidence yet that it is helpful. It also probably does no harm. Here is a link that talks about it
The caution is that it has to be detoxed by the cp450 enzyme system which takes care of most toxins. If you damage over overwhelm this function not good things can happen. Fructose is also processed there so if you use a lot of sugar they compete for resources and that rarely is a good thing. Just one example of how complex the issue of supplements can get.
I have taken milk thistle to help my cirrhosis liver for about a year. It has also helped my glucose, having been taken off of insulin after I started the milk t histle. My blood work regarding my liver is much better, but....i am not cured.
I take milk Thistle daily now. I was diagnosed with non alchoholic fatty liver. I was having severe gallbladder attacks that got to be at least 2-3 weeks a month and all day. The attacks were so painful that I couldn't even get up to walk and it didn't matter what I ate or drank, there was no rhyme or reason to them. I had umpteen ultra sounds and Neuro scans and no gallstones. I then read from john Hopkins that a fatty or diseased liver would cause these attacks so I dumped all my meds and did a liver detox (very very painful gallbladder attack for 2 days) then no pain. I then started taking the milk Thistle 2 times a day and it has now been almost a year and not one single gallbladder attack! Also the article said to add dandelion root to that daily. Just research milk Thistle and it will tell you how much to take. Hope this helped
I am taking Milk Thistle with Dandelion Root Daily.. I hope this helps and I also am on a low fat diet.. I wish I could eat homemade bread.. I stopped eating carbs too... Upset that I can't eat what I used to eat.... Homemade bread, homemade biscuits sausage and gravy.. wow.. but I have to get healthy again for the sake of my liver.. I don't drink alcohol or smoke cigarettes...