I have fatty liver ,it seems the only time I can sleep is at work in break room ,trying to get good rest at home,any suggestions
can't sleep: I have fatty liver ,it... - Living with Fatty...
can't sleep
I also cannot sleep at night even with sleeping pills, I have Hepetic Encepholothy which causes this, I usually stay up till between 3-5am and sleep during the day.
It's possible that you have sleep apnea, which could be making you tired during the day. Underactive thyroid can also cause fatigue, and both conditions are risk factors for fatty liver. A simple blood test (TSH) can tell you how well your thyroid is working, and you might want to talk to your doctor about getting a sleep study to see if you have apnea. Good luck!
Sorry. Maybe your GO can prescribe something to help you sleep?
My runs it's course you will be tired in the day and awake at night Doctor tells me as this condition reverses you sleep pattern.
Get room quiet, wear sleep mask to block out light. Set phone to play relaxing music or subliminal healing messages. Make a calming routine. I use trasodone but was on Ambien for years- Rx from Dr. Quality sleep is key to health and healing. Stop eating at least 2 hrs before bed.