Hello everyone, how are your all? Well here I am again awake I'm not middle of the night. I know I've probably asked you all this before but any suggestions? I get to sleep ok but then pain wakes me up!! Love and hugs Lynne xxxx
Sleep!!: Hello everyone, how are your... - Living with Fatty...
Hi Lynne
Sadly so many face that problem. I wish I could help you, but maybe someone on the forum has had some success and can give you some ideas.
Thank you xx
If it is possible to get a sleep study done it can be very helpful. I sleep with a double retainer glued together called a Damien Splint, a very good sleep mask for my eyes, a dark room, no flashing lights from computer, etc and use trazadone. I was on Ambien for years until I started half waking, getting out of bed and binge eating. Did some other embarrassing things as well!
When I hurt I use a lidocaine product or Max Freeze over my side to help me get to sleep. If you do take Magnesium also take Vit D with it. The Vit D helps you absorb the Magnesium.
And of course the usual- avoid caffeine after 12 noon so it doesn't interfere. Stop exercising at least 2 hrs before bef. My nutritionist suggests a before bed snack of carbohydrates. Protein keeps you awake and fats make digestion hard so you feel uncomfortable.
I could send you some sheep....LOL!
Try soaking your feet right before bed in pure Epsom salt. I found Dr Teal's coconut oil fun because it smells like summer to me. Your feet just soak in the magnesium, your hands are free to read a book and the fragrance is peaceful.
Thank you, I will give it a try . How are you doing? Xx
I'm hanging in there...
Sleeping can be a challenge. I just did a sleep study Tuesday night. (Now that was rough!) I'll share results if I find something helpful for you. Results next Friday.
My husband enjoys when we rub each other's feet with Dr. sHEALy's Magnesium lotion right before bed. (It's absorbed and not stressful on the liver.) We like it. I was reluctant to share...But you could try.
And my good news of the day!
I petitioned a doctor to review my file and give me her opinion. She'll see me briefly in a few weeks and save the longer appointment in Nov for the new patient physical! So advice in searching for a new physician, schedule your new, longer appointment & request an earlier office visit.
Been thinking of you. Hugs back at you!
Thank you so much for all your advice and support. Love and hugs Lynne xxxx
I just found a magnesium supplement that's a blend of different magnesiums. I take it after I eat dinner, and I get so sleepy.
I have insomnia. (This is a big hurtle...)
Magnesium seems to help me sleep longer. Someone in the anxiety forum suggested Ancient Minerals Magnesium Oil. Just ordered it. I'll let you know if it works. It's absorbed just as I was telling you about soaking your feet. Ancient Minerals has a bath form too.
Just ideas. Sleep is precious.
Thank you so much, I wouldn't have thought of that!! Very helpful, thank you. Love and hugs Lynne xxxx