Hi all, my 7 year 3 m old has had ongoing issues with day time wetting, this has improved in school over last year and now he only occasionally has a small wet patch after school, but he often leaves going to the loo till the very last minute and sometimes doesn't make it, he has never had a dry pull up at night, but we tried taking his pull up off 3 days ago just to see how he goes and hes having 3 wees in one night at 10pm ish, 2 am and 5 am, which seems a lot?? And concerns us, he has been referred to incontinence team and seen gp, not yet tried alarms or meds, we're wondering if need to put pull up back on and hes just not ready? Nothing diagnosed, Hes got sleep overs coming up and he really wants to get rid of pull up, any advice greatly appreciated, one issue is he drinks very little of his water in school which could be impacting
7 Yr old bed time wetting and occasional day - ERIC
7 Yr old bed time wetting and occasional day
Sorry, Bedwetting posts always seem to be ignored here or just don't seem to get replies as quickly as ones regarding constipation and disimpaction.
3 wees a night is more than usual, was your son able to get to the toilet for most of these?
It might be worth recording his daytime toilet visits, if he's having to wee more than once an hour during the day while not drinking much there might be a bladder issue.
Encourage him to drink more during the day and make sure he's using the toilet regularly, not just when he's bursting, has he always waited until the last minute to get to the toilet?
Possibly a hang over from rushing potty training, or did that go ok?
When did you get him out of daytime nappies or pullups, was he still wearing them when he started school?
How has he been in the month since you posted, are you still going without the pullups at night?
Dear tthomas78 , have you watched the recording our our Night Time wetting webinar? This may be helpful for you, it can be found on the following page: eric.org.uk/childrens-bladd... you'll find lots more helpful resources and links on that page too. best wishes, ERIC