Do private continence nurses exist? NHS childrens continence clinic in our area is overwhelmed with referrals and due to several staff on long term sick, the waiting list is practically at a standstill. My 4 yo is soiling a lot - GP agrees its constipation but says we really need the continence clinic and they can't speed up the waiting list 😔
Private childrens continence nurse?: Do private... - ERIC
Private childrens continence nurse?
Contact Eric they will be able to help you.
a good GP will be able to help you. There is loads of info on the Eric website. Including helpful videos like the poo nurses video about disimpaction. You could also contact PALS to make a complaint as in my experience this really helps with getting help. Good luck x
I hadn't considered PALS: at what stage did you complain about the Service? How long were you waiting? I was also told that our local continence team are overrun due to sickness/staff shortages. 😪
There are certainly paediatric urology consultants working privately - and likely ones for bowel as well I am sure - I would google and see if that is an option.
I joined the Movocol Mummies facebook group and a few people there wrote about private consultants and their experience there. It might be a good place to start.