Hi all im seeking help as we have just returned from our first appointment with the continence nurse specialist. My daughter is 10 and been told there is no help with getting her pads...is this right? Also she told me to look for 'dry like me' pads and wondered from experience what others used? Thanks for any help
10year old with urinary incontinence...what pads?? - ERIC
10year old with urinary incontinence...what pads??
Hello there, we had exactly the same problem, we never got any help with the doctors with any kind of incontinence products, however, we used tena lady pads, I rang tena lady and they supplied samples for my daughter also along with a catalogue to order, we have also used other brands such as always, even some of the supermarket brands but tena lady was the best in my opinion, it depends on the individual and how severe the leaking is, my daughter was also wearing the pants as well as things got bad for a while, really hope you find something that suits her, good luck xx
Dry like me pads are ok if your daughter only has leakage. They do not hold a whole wee as we found out 😳
I agree Tena lady are the best - you can either get a pad with a sticky base or actual pants which are so discreet you can't see them under a pair of tights for example. We have started using those and so far so good 😊
What age do you think the TENA lady pants work from? My daughter uses Dry Nites for night time which seem to work for her but I'd really like to find a slimmer alternative for when we are on long journeys and can't risk not being able to get to a toilet! Leggings over the top look awful so we have to stick with skirts or long tops. She's got her first residential school trip later this year and a long coach journey to get there so I would like to find something that is as discrete as possible but still takes away the worry. She's only 8, tall for her age but still quite slim.
My daughter is almost 8 but wearing 9-10 clothes already. These are the pants we are using. Not cheap, but saves on washing so I think it's worth it.
Tena also do smaller pads - they didn't tell me this when I rang for advice, and just sent some pull-ups (not helpful). But a catalogue arrived too, saying that other products suitable for children are: Tena Pants Plus Extra Small, Tena Slip Extra Small, and Tena Slip Junior.
Ask for a catalogue.