How long have people been on Movicol for before they see signs of improvement/a soft stool?
Constipation and Movicol: How long have people been on... - ERIC
Constipation and Movicol
Once disimpacted things greatly improved for my daughter.
Thank you so much. I used to struggle with this when I was a child, I am now 30 and have been dragged down memory lane this week - it’s awful.
Does the disimpactment come out runny or solid? I am very sore and I am worried about the outcome..
Disimpaction is when you take high doses of laxative until you reach watery stools with no lumps consistently for a few days before you start reducing the doses down extremely slowly ie one sachet every three days until you reach a suitable maintenance dose to remain on. How old is your child?
No it’s relating to me, I don’t have any children. I have been dragged down memory lane all over again. I forgot how painful and awful this experience is.
The doctor told me to take 8 sachets for 3 days and I was worried it would cause me more pain. I went through withholding and constipation a lot as a child and I remember how awful it was but I couldn’t remember how well movicol helped..
Thank you Yaleamanda