My book for girls aged 5 to 8 who withhold their poo and soil their pants, "Help! I Poo My Pants - For Girls", is now available to buy in paperback from ERIC. Designed to help girls to feel less alone with their soiling problems, and encourage them to use the toilet rather than withhold, including when they need to poo at school or away from home, this book draws on my own experiences and emotions when I frequently pooed my pants as a child.
Many parents have also found this book useful in understanding how their daughter feels about her toilet issues and help start a conversation with her about them. Posters between the chapters seek to reinforce the messages of the book and encourage good bladder and bowel health and bathroom hygiene.
"7 year old Amelia is an ordinary girl who has a problem using the toilet. She can’t poo in other people’s homes, or in the girls toilets at school or in public toilets, so she tries to keep her poo inside herself instead. She also does this at home when she doesn’t want to stop playing and refuses to listen to her body.
Because she tries to avoid going to the toilet, Amelia often poos her pants, which she finds really embarrassing. She also wets herself sometimes when her poo pushes on her bladder. At school she wears pull-ups and her Mum has to come in to change her when she soils herself in the classroom. And she nearly always needs changing on days out, which makes her feel like she is a toddler.
Can her Mum and Dad, her big brother, her best friend and her new babysitter persuade Amelia to use the toilet every time she needs to poo? Can she find the courage to poo in the school toilets? Or will she always have accidents in her pants and be known by her classmates as the Stinky Kid?"