Hello, I’m new to this group. My 6 year old son is currently on Desmopressin moved from 120mg to 240mg. Anyone else’s child on or have had Desmo in the past? Would love to hear how you got on with it. My son has been taking them for about 6 weeks now and only ever had 2 dry nights. Thanks
Desmopressin : Hello, I’m new to this group. My 6 year... - ERIC

Unfortunately, we had to take our daughter off of it, she started to suffer with terrible headaches. In the main it worked, unless she had a UTI then nothing helped whilst she had one. Are you following the instructions to the letter. Have you ruled out constipation? This can prevent them from working effectively.
Hi my daughter is nearly 7 she started on 200mg 2 days ago and both days been dry hoping thos continues maybe you should contact the Occupational therapist and see if they suggest anything. I'm finding it quite difficult to say no to eating and drinking an hour before take tablet and after has she doesnt stop grazing most of the day and night until asleep but so far she has stuck to the rules.
My daughter has been taking Desmomelts on and off for around a year now and they have worked every night she has taken them when nothing has really helped before. After the 12 wk blocks she has stopped taking them and remained dry for a short period of time but we have then restarted them. It’s been great to find something that works for her.