I've been told my 6 year old son needs to drink between 1000-1400ml a day to help with his constipation and soiling. Any advice please on how best to measure this out?
Measuring Fluids: I've been told my 6 year old son... - ERIC
Measuring Fluids

We give our son 200ml each drink with a straw as it makes easier for them to drink and he has a 500ml drinks bottle for school. We did reuse bottles of fruit shoot initially so that he got used to drinking more often it then became habit for him to drink that amount each time.
We gradually watered down juices until it was basically water.
Water helps yes that's right. It lubricates the bowel. But make sure he has loads of fruit and veges as well. Exercise too. If he has a normal active bowel this will b enough to help the constipation. If not more action probably needs to be taken to help him out.
Thank you. He's pretty good with fruit but veggies can be a challenge at times so I need to work on that. He's very active which is good. At the moment I can't see an end to it and can't imagine him not being on Movocol or not soiling himself. I keep thinking I've gone wrong somewhere!
One I use to up fluid intake for my daughter is jelly. It's basically water but the kids get the fun of making it too and so they think it's a treat. We get through rather a lot in our house and it literally slides down!!
Don't beat yourself up about this it's not something you've done it just happens to sometimes. We've all been in similar situations and sometimes it does feel as though there will never be an end but you'll both come through this eventually. It takes a long time for the bowl to heal and there will be a need for a maintenance dose for a long time but with time the body will heal. Regular daily sits on the loo so that the body trains itself to poo lots of fluid and patients
Things will start to get easier and when you need to come in here and have a jolly good rant. We've all done it and it helps to know we can empathise. I used to find myself crying over the amount of dirty pants and bedding but it's getting better for us and will do for you both too. G
We use a clear graduated water bottle (1L) brought drom tesco with marks on for 'drink by breaktime', 'drink by lunchtime', 'drink by breaktime, and 'drink by hometime'. This helpsnschool to encourage her to drink. This is supplemented by 1 drink at breakfast and 2 after school of 200ml, measured by measuring jug initially. It helps but our daughter is still a poor drinker and is nagged to drink more.
Ah I will look out for one of those bottles then, that sounds a great idea! Thank you so much.
I should add that the bottle is a clear plastic water bottle, nothing special....we added the labels. They are only supposed to have water in at school but we taint it with apple juice. Hubby says its actually 800ml. Each graduation is 200ml. If you're on FB or have an email adress i can send you a pic of it. X