I have just revised and reissued my books "A Boy Like You" and "A Girl Like You". These are written for children aged 8 to 12 years who have problems using the toilet and soil their pants. They are designed to help older children feel less alone with their problems and help them to understand that they can, with help, overcome them. Many parents have also found them useful for helping to start a conversation with their child about their toilet issues.
The updated editions have new covers, minor revisions to the text, and the addition of 'posters' between the chapters designed to reinforce the messages of the book and encourage good bladder and bowel health and bathroom hygiene.
For more details about the books, please go to my website:
Just a quick reminder as well that I have also recently published my new book for kids aged 5 to 8 who withhold their poo and soil their pants, called "Help! I Poo My Pants".