My 4 year old has been suffering with constipation for nearly 2 years, recently we were referred to a Paediatrician who gave us a disimpaction routine and then a maintenance dose of 2 sachets of Movicol daily. The problem is that on the maintenance dose she now wets her underwear before every bowel movement, and there is a lot of them, yesterday we went through 15 + changes of clothes, I ended up bringing her to the toilet every half hour but a few times she would be wet and have a bowel movement in between. I’m happy enough that she isn’t constipated anymore and given the number of bowel movements she had I’m thinking of decreasing her dose to 1.5 Sachets a day and seeing how we get on. In the past lower doses of Movicol have resulted in less wetting and it’s more manageable. I’m terrified of her becoming constipated again, she is very prone to UTIs as a result of constipation so I really don’t want it to build up again but this amount of wetting accidents is really upsetting her. I’m not seeing paed again for another two months, will discuss other medication options with her then but not sure what to do in the meantime. Has anybody else seen this sensitivity to Movicol? I don’t think it’s listed in the side effects
Child on Movicol wetting underwear before bowel movem... - ERIC
Child on Movicol wetting underwear before bowel movements
Hi there, surely the bed wetting is to do with bladder being restricted cause of constipation making bladder smaller. Also drinking a lot, I wake my daughter at 1.00 in morning to have a wee. The only way we seen the extent of my daughter compacted bowels was when she had a MRI. So many specialist felt her tummy, they couldn't feel a thing, yet her bowels were close to bursting. If you can afford to go private, I would recommend it, going private sorts everything out. You get answers. So many jelly scans, doctors feeling her tummy? Not one could feel the problem. Demand an MRI, you will get answers, MRI scans are also harmless too. Constipation is so dangerous, my daughter got sepsis in the end, hence the rush for an MRI scan. Good luck, your daughter deserves to have this problem solved. Bless you both. xx