My daughter is 3 and 1/2 and has been severely constipated since she was one. She had severe faecal impaction, which was cleared in November 2017 and we have been on maintenance ever since.
However we are still struggling - she is supposed to be on a maintenance dose of 2 sachets movicol plus 5ml lactulose a day. However on that dose, which seemed ok for a while, we have recently just seen really runny, poops multiple times a day. It’s not overflow as she knows she needs to poop and will taker herself to the toilet, there is no soiling at all.
We upped the dose just in case so that she had 10ml of lactulose but that made the stools even runnier and really explosive.
We now stopped giving any lactulose and are just giving 2 x movicol, and the stools are a better consistency, however they are smaller now and we are concerned that she is not emptying her bowels fully as she still goes multiple times a day, sometimes 3 times in a short period of time despite the stools not being runny.
We try to get her to stay on the toilet for longer, however she can’t get any more out despite trying to.
Should we decrease the dose further or is it possible that she is partly impacted still?
Or could she just be a child who poops multiple times a day?
Her tummy is nice and flat...
Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.
Many thanks