Hi there!
I hope I’m posting in the right group! I’m new to this 😬
So.. I have a 7 year old little girl who has been on movicol for coming up to 4 years!
I was just wondering what people’s opinions were on long term use of this medication?
Basically she suffered with constipation but no one really helped, one week we ended up at emergency drs due to her being impacted, it was then they decided to refer her to a constipation nurse!
The nurse basically gave us some charts, and told her to drink a lot of water and take movicol twice a day- and basically she could stay on it forever.
This worked fine, but 2 years later I decided I wanted more answers, why does she have this constipation? Surely there could be something wrong and long term medication isn’t just the answer, so i decided to go back, she just gave me more charts, and told her to take sena along with the movicol this time... no answers just that “it happens and she’s fine on these medicines long term”
This condition can ruin our life at times! If my daughter misses ONE day of medication she is now constipated for up to 10 days... that’s missing just one dose!
We recently went to Florida, she missed a couple of days worth and it interrupted a weeks worth of the holiday.
She has the urge to go, she will sit on the toilet for up to 45 mins trying to squeeze it out but it just doesn’t come (which is where the interrupting life comes into it)
We have been through it this week, she is. Ow up every hour with the urge to go, but she literally can’t get it out!
When is enough enough? Her little face is awful, and I feel so hopeless!
I’m i talks with a private hospital, hopefully to get a second opinion, or at least some tests to see if there is anything medically wrong?
What’s people’s thoughts, is this normal? Am I being a paranoid Mum who needs to face the fact she just needs meds’ to help her go?
Sorry for the long message!