So my daughter has had an issue with blockages in her colon and had an enema done for the first time ever last month and then had another a few weeks ago. She then got put on a disimpaction regime to clear out from top. We was on day of 12 sachets as she hadn’t gone and then after 10 sachets she went (first a plop poop) then watery. So I stopped at the 10. Then the days following we reduced by 2 everyday as advised. Friday we were down to 2 (no proper bowel movement but accident in underwear) Saturday gave 2 again (more loose watery stools. Sunday dropped to 1 sachet as not thickening but still having a couple of poop accidents in underwear. Monday again loose/watery stools on toilet so left giving any, then today had none but still having occasional loose accidents in underwear and is continuing to complain of tummy pain on and off. Just wondering if anyone can shed some light as to why it doesn’t seem to be thickening and why she keeps having accidents still and tummy pain. Could she still be blocked? Seeing the constipation doctor next week so hopefully will get some answers x thank you in advance x